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1990 NH to PR.mp4 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.
This was shot on a Super 8mm movie camera. Featuring Kevin Grondin.
At the time our wives were pregnant with our first children.
We shot from NH to PR. Pretty classic and grainy film.
October 30th, 2022 The RUN is 8 out of 8 Weeks.
Send your SURF Pics to me directly to: ralph@adlantic.com. Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously. By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide. If you have more than 10 pics please use wetransfer.com it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me. Thank you. Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics. |
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Suffice it to say, Kevin earned the respect and admiration from his peers in the contest scene. But, he really earned the respect of the hardcore surfers from the East Coast, The West Coast, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico because, as good as a contest surfer that he was, he really shined in the free surfing world. I’ve personally seen (and filmed him) surfing some of the biggest and best waves in the world. He was fearless in big surf. He was (and still is) one of the most stylish surfers anywhere. My movies don’t lie. And to this day, I have shot more footage of Kevin than any other surfer from NH. Like I said, you shoot the best guys in the water. And year after year, swell after swell, that would be Kevin. I’ve seen him paddle out into the large surf the North Shore of Oahu and just fully charge it. He learned how to surf those big waves by watching those like: Tony Moniz, Martin Potter, and his tube riding style came from watching the master himself, Shaun Tomson. And if I can add this. Doc’s local tube riding style back in the day, was second to none. Kevin knew (knows) how to get barreled. I didn’t call him a “Barrel Hound” for nothing. *And his son Kody, is following in his dad’s footsteps. Like father like son. Kody gets barreled just like his father. And let’s not forget that his daughter Leah is an incredible surfer too. I have often said, to be a good surf photographer you have to know surfing. Well Kim has been around surfing for over 50 years. She can take a pretty damn good surf pic. The biggest waves he’s ever surfed were in Hawaii, Mexico, and Rhode Island during Hurricane Gabrielle. This one photo taken by Richard “MEZ” Messoroll is legendary. Look at that wave. ![]() I’ve filmed him surfing GIANT storm surf on the North Shore of Massachusetts during the Halloween Swell of October 30th, 1991. They made a movie about that storm. THE PERFECT STORM. I’ve documented Kevin surfing the biggest waves in NH as well. There was nothing too big or dangerous that he wouldn’t surf. We had a thing going on for years when he was faced with big unruly surf and was slightly hesitant. I’d stand there with my cameras and look at him and say, “Pull in for the boys back home! Get your ass out there!” He would shake his head, but he would always go. Because he knew, that the Boys Back Home would be hooting his heroic efforts when we showed my movies in his darkened home. And they did. When I asked him where was his worse wipeouts, he answered. Hanalei Bay in Kauai, Marias in PR, and once back home in NH. His best Surf Trips were Tavarua in FIJI with his family, and Mexico with the Boys. His favorite waves are back home in NH, his homebreak (Doc’s Reef) in PR, and Mexico. ![]() I was the best man at their wedding in 1989. ![]() I would be remiss ed if I didn’t include his lifelong partner in all of this. Kim Grondin his wife of 33 years has been by his side forever. She is truly a saint. They have been dating since the early 70’s (I met and knew Kim back when I first met Kevin.) They were always together back in the day. Together they have two adult children Leah and Kody, and a son-in-law Rob and three grandchildren. Kevin’s own words: “I would not be where I am today without my angelic wife Kim, and my daughter Leah and her husband Rob, and my three grandchildren. My son Kody, and his girlfriend Lili. All my close friends and family. They all mean the world to me. And I hope to be remembered for always trying to help others.” I say to you Kevin “Doc” Grondin, my Best Friend. You will be remembered for all of that and more. There’s nobody out there like you. You are loved and admired from coast to coast. And you are clearly a LEGEND among Legends. I am proud to call you my friend and brother. And I hope we all get to grow old together and enjoy these times we have left with our mutual families and friends. We are truly blessed to have what we have. ![]() Kevin and I have literally raised our families together. We have both watched our children grow up together and get married and have kids of their own. My wife Cory and Kim are best of friends. My son Max and Kody are like brothers. Leah and Gabby were born just 23 hours apart. Our daughter Noelle is very close to the Grondins. And Kevin and I have lost close friends and family members, and we helped each other get through those hard times. I know his whole family. And his late father Frank was someone I truly loved and respected. Frank was a WWII US ARMY vet who was seriously wounded in Europe at the end of the war. And the best compliment I can give to Kevin, is to tell him, he is his father’s son. I see so many of Frank’s honest hard working traits in Kevin. Frank was very special individual. He passed away at 98. ![]() So Kevin “DOC” Grondin is 66 years old. He still rides a shortboard, and he rides it very well. Most surfers who live in Northern New England who are close to his age are either riding longboards, or SUPS. Kevin is not one of them. Oh still he rides a longboard when the surf is small, and he never, ever, uses a leash. Another example of his surfing expertise. ![]() In 2018 Kevin “DOC” Grondin was inducted into the EAST COAST SURFING HALL OF FAME. The man who put New Hampshire on the map. The man who devotes his time and true waterman's knowledge every summer to helping run the SURFING WITH SMILES event at North Beach. The same man who also volunteers to help The WOUNDED WARRIORS in our annual HIT THE BEACH every summer. The man who would give a total stranger the shirt off his back. That man is our very own, Kevin Grondin. Today Kyle Linseman commented on my Facebook post about Kevin, and called him the “NH GOAT.” You won’t get any argument from me on that title. Kevin Grondin is a LEGEND AMONG LEGENDS. So yeah, feel free to call him the GOAT of NH surfing. He's earned that title. "SURFING
No amount is too small. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. We won't forget what you all did. THANK YOU ALL WHO MADE SUCH GENEROUS DONATIONS. WE ARE KEEPING THE GO FUND ME PAGE OPEN. PLEASE HELP CINNAMON RAINBOWS OUT.
KSM Photoshop of the Week
So the news of Tom Brady and his wife Gisele splitting up was too much for Khaliddy to handle. He sent this Photoshop to Gisele in hopes that she would contact him and perhaps they could start a fresh new relationship. But alas, even Gisele could see through The Sheik's BS. She alerted the authorities at GITMO and the Khaliddy ended up in the camel room. That's right, he had to sleep with the camels this last week or so. I swear it's always something with Ole Khaliddy. ![]() And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of Brady and Gisele perfume at Home Depot this week. GET WELL SOON Dave "CROP" Cropper! HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY Eva Fatello 10-28-22. HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY JoEllen Bunton 10-29-22 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! REST IN PEACE Jerry Lee Lewis. ![]() GET WELL SOON Ryan Jackson NH2O! Please keep local surfer Mike Keefe in your thoughts and prayers in the next few months during his treatments. Keep fighting Mike! Please keep local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski in your thoughts and prayers. SURFING HEALS ALL WOUNDS! Please Keep local surfer Bill M. in your thoughts and prayers. Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week every week for the last 18 years. ** BUY a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW. Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds. Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun. Ralph ![]()
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All PHOTOS BELOW SHOT THIS WEEK *Unless otherwise noted. | |
Today- THE KEVIN "DOC" GRONDIN LOCAL LEGEND GALLERY. Photos by various Photographers |