February 26th, 2023 The RUN is 13 out of 13 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.
There were chest high waves on February 24th, 2023.
And waist to shoulder to head high waves on 2-23-23
Send your SURF Pics to me directly to: ralph@adlantic.com.
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use wetransfer.com it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.
Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics. |

Johnny Magro is 71 yrs old and lives in Hampton, New Hampshire. He’s married to Lynne and they have three kids, and four grand kids. He’s been surfing since 1963. That’s 60 years this summer. Think about that for a minute or two. 60 years. That’s a longtime to be doing anything, let alone surfing. Suffice it to say, he clearly fits the LOCAL LEGEND criteria.
So please take the time to read Johnny's story and then check out the gallery of photos that he has provided. There's some really cool images to see.

Ed O'Connell was one of the most loved surf photographers in New England. A US ARMY Vietnam Veteran who saved the lives of so many ARMY Grunts in Nam in 68-69 as a Medic onboard those Dust Off Hueys.
He was a dear friend of mine. When he passed on July 1st, 2014 I swore I'd keep his memory and legacy alive by giving him this weekly corner. He loved surfing and he loved taking photos of all the surfers. Not just those who could really stand out. He shot every one. As long as I shall live and breathe the salt air, there will be a corner dedicated to Ed.

This is Mikey Moran. This pic was taken in February of 2008. Mike is doing what he has done since day one, he's styling on a longboard. That's what he's all about. Mikey Moran is a styling longboarder, and he will always be just that. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

Johnny Magro and his current quiver of wave riding vehicles.
*Note the machine directly behind him. That's a snowblower. For all of you surfers who live in the warmer climates, this machine is essential for all of us New Englanders. Not many people Johnny's age is out there blowing snow. But then again, not many people Johnny's age are still surfing.
When I walked into his home last week, the first thing I noticed was the folded triangle flag sitting front and center on the shelf. That’s the flag that is presented to the family of a deceased veteran. I know this only too well. I have three in my home. My dad’s, my uncle’s, and my father-in-law’s. Johnny’s father passed away last year at the age of 95. He served in the Army Air Corps with the infamous FLYING TIGERS. He was a radar operator during WWII. John Magro Sr was one of the Greatest Generation. The World War II veterans who saved the world. Thank you sir for your service.

Johnny’s first memory of surfing was at Nahant Beach in Massachusetts. “I saw some guy surfing at Short Beach and it blew my mind.“ And then he said something that blew my mind. “I immediately said to my father, I need a surfboard.” The reason why that blew my mind? I said the exact same thing to my dad, the same summer in the same year. Johnny and I are only a few months apart in age. My birthday is in July, and his is in September. We both laughed at our similar stories.
So when I asked him where and when did he first go surfing? I was surprised by his answer.
“Miami Beach. I was 12 yrs old. His parents had a place down in Miami Beach and they would go down each winter. The board was a no name red fiberglass longboard with white around the rails. That same summer he came back to Nahant and I joined the Nahant Surf Club.”
The next summer of 1964 he bought a new board from Jordan Marsh for $100. And thus began his love of surfing in New England. By the time he was 14 yrs old he was asked to join the SEACRAFT SURF TEAM in Wilmington MA. It’s funny, because I too had visited the SEA CRAFT Surf Shop many times in my youth. Imagine a surf shop a solid hour from the coast.
But according to Johnny, The SEACRAFT SURF TEAM was a great education and a fun time for the young surfer. They gave him everything and set him up with the rest of the team at contest sites etc.
Speaking of which, Johnny entered his first surf contest in 1965 at the WALL. A contest put on by Randy Radkay. He was also a charter member of the ESA joining in 1967. Speaking of 1967. He did not own a wetsuit until 1967. Like most of us back then, we all used Diving Suits. Parkway was the biggest name diving suit for most of us. You know, the beaver tail jacket and the pants that went up to your chest?

In 1968 Steve Clark had opened the NAHANT BEACH Surf Shop in Nahant, MA and Johnny being a local helped Steve out. November of 1968 Johnny helped organize a trip for 10 of the local Nahant Surf Club to travel to PR to see the World Surf Contest at Marias. Talk about a historical surf contest. With Nat Young from Australia and Reno Abellira on his pencil thin shortboard it was one of the most exciting surf contests in the history of the sport. Fred Hemmings from Hawaii eventually won the contest, but not before the world saw the future of surfing with Reno and Nat Young. To be present at such an incredible surfing event like that? Whoa. Not to mention that it put Puerto Rico on the map.

And it planted the seed for young Johnny. Because in a few years he would spend 4 months in PR surfing his brains out. Check this pic of Johnny at Marias in PR in 1971. He looks like a Rock Star here. Imagine surfing the name breaks in PR without a leash? Those were the pioneering days for sure.
I first met Johnny around the same time I met Steve Clark. In the mid 60’s. We surfed the same breaks on the North Shore of Massachusetts and then eventually surfing the same breaks up here in NH. He beat me by one year. Johnny surfed here in 65 and I first surfed here in 66. Johnny is one of those surfers I have met in my life where we were always friendly with each other. I don’t believe I have ever seen him get upset with anyone over the years. And that’s something. (I only wish I could say the same for myself.)
In 1970-71 the O’Neil Supersuit came out and Johnny called it a game changer. The Super suit had a tube that you could blow hot air into you suit to enhance the body heat in your wetsuit. Lots of the locals had them. I personally couldn’t afford one. But lots of the local rippers had them. I can recall the old ads in SURFER Magazine of one of the O’Neill boys blowing into the tube and inflating the suit into almost a balloon type look.
When I asked Johnny what and where were the biggest waves he’d ever surfed, he said, “10 to 15’ surf in Puerto Rico.” That’s big enough for most surfers. And when I asked him what and where was his worse ever wipeout, he recalled a day at the Wall in Hampton, when he thought he was going to drown. Most surfers have one or two horror nightmare stories like that.

In 1972-1973, Johnny ran the NORTH STAR SURF SHOP on Rocky Bend in Hampton. Check out this pic of Johnny working on the North Star Van. It’s interesting for you younger surfers to realize that long before there was a Cinnamon Rainbows, Pioneers, Zapstix, and Summer Sessions there were a number of surf shops in the 60’s and 70’s on the NH seacoast.

Like most NH surfers Johnny has traveled to many warmer destinations in the winter months to escape the cold.
From Puerto Rico to Costa Rica, to the West Coast and the entire East Coast. He’s even made his way up north to Nova Scotia. And when I asked him where his favorite wave in the world is, he said, Marias in PR.
When I asked who were his surf peeps growing up he mentioned a bunch of names. The Cyr brothers (Al and Jim), Mickey Carmody, Rick Hosely, John JT Taylor, Steve Clark, and all the guys and girls he surfs with today at Jenness Beach in Rye. His main influences in his surfing life have been David Nuuhiwa, George Greenough, and Kai Lenny.

Johnny has ridden them all. Longboards, shortboards (5’ Bing Twin Fin), windsurfers, kneeboards, and he’s currently surfing on a SUP. And he gets in the water constantly on his SUP. Say what you want about these new crafts, that have become part of our fabric of life, out in the water. But the truth is they are here to stay, and more importantly, they can extend the surfing life of a lot of the older surfers. I know so many surfers Johnny's age who still manage to get out in the water because of the SUP. And I'm all for that.

And let me point out, that when you see an older surfer riding along on a waist to chest high wave on one of those SUP’s…they are surfing. They are feeling the same sensation that everyone else feels when they ride a wave. They may not be pulling off big airs, or getting deep barrels, but they are surfing. And, the most important thing? They are having fun.
And, surfing in case anyone has forgotten, is all about having fun. Let’s face it, if you’re not having fun out there, why even bother paddling out? It's supposed to be fun. So whatever floats your boat. be it a shortboard, longboard, or SUP. Just do it!
Johnny is in a good place today. He and his wife Lynne have three beautiful children, and four healthy and loving grandchildren. And Johnny, is still having fun, surfing at age 71. Keep surfing Johnny. Just Keep surfing.
Be sure and check out the Gallery from Johnny Magro down in the
photo section.

Think about that staggering number. 50,000 dead. Now I know that this has taken place a half a world away, and that most of us have nothing to do with Turkey or her people. But, whenever the reports started to come in, the news kept getting worse and worse with each waking moment.
The fact that so many people/children have been rescued is truly a miracle. It's been a while since we've witnessed anything so deadly. I know the war in Ukraine has been devastating to watch. But this amount of death and destruction in one day? It's nearly impossible to grasp it all. I mean, 50,000 dead?
The world needs to STOP AND HELP these poor people.

In an unprecedented move, President Joe Biden walked side by side with President Zelenskyy through war torn Ukraine to show solidarity to Ukraine (and to garner votes for his Presidential bid in 2024). They let Russia know that he was going to be there. The last thing Russia needs is to inadvertently drop an errant shell on Biden's noggin. Look, I respect the President for doing such a bold maneuver as this, but let's be truthful here. This was a political move. I still believe that both Trump and Biden should step away from the podium and let a younger, more energized candidate, take over in 2024. They are both too old and too toxic.
We need a NEW leader who can truly unite this country. Neither one of these guys can do that. If either one runs, and one of them gets in? We will be more divided than any other time in our history. Take a seat boys. You're both ONE and DONE. Let someone NEW take over and get us back on track.

Featuring pics from every month from last year's Blog.
Email me directly at ralph@adlantic.com or pick one up
at CINNAMON RAINBOWS in North Hampton, NH

written by Cory Fatello
A little more than 27 years ago Patricia “Patches” Holmes saved my son Max’s life. It was a rainy day in January in the Newington Toys r Us parking lot. We were on an errand to get a present for an upcoming birthday party and had been at the candy store at the mall right before. I was getting 3-year-old Max and his 5-year-old and 9-month sisters out of the car when I saw him choking on a candy gummy shark. It was a moment of panic that escalated quickly to near hysteria when I couldn’t perform the Heimlich correctly and Max began to turn blue and go limp.
I remember screaming HELP as loud as I could in what seemed like an empty parking lot. Then Patches was there. In an instant Max was in her capable arms, her successful Heimlich dislodging the candy, and then he was breathing again. In that moment I was overcome with emotion, terror replaced with overwhelming relief and more gratitude in my heart for Patches than I could adequately express.
A month or so later, Patches came to visit us with Maureen and her children, and we got to know each other a bit. She shared with us her passion for folk art and music and not long after even made a visit to Max’s preschool to introduce the kids to her dulcimer. Over the years we exchanged cards and letters with Patches - hers adorned with lovely sketches in the margins and on the envelope – keeping each other up on the kids growing into adulthood.
In reading Patches’ obituary, I know her earthly accomplishments were impressive. To our family, Patches was an angel here on earth.
Patches you have our loving gratitude and will hold a place in our hearts forever. God bless you. May you rest in peace with the angels. Cory Fatello

This is a photo of Max two years after the choking incident.
Thank you Patches. May you rest in eternal peace.

A documentary that has been 59 years in the making. Hear from Local Legends Surfers from all over New England talk about New Hampshire. Coming the Summer of 2023

After reliving our son's CHOKING incident, and then watching the movie WHALE I was reminded of a time when Ole Khaliddy almost choked to death down in GITMO a few years ago. This was during his eating protest. When most protested by NOT eating, the Sheik thought if he ate MORE food and got to the point where he could only move with the help of the guards, that he could somehow get an early release. That plan (like all of his other plans) backfired. He was given the Heimlich and subsequently put on a diet. Damn you Khaliddy it's always something with you down there.
*By the way, the movie WHALE is worth watching. It's really good. Brendan Fraser should get an OSCAR for his role.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of oversized bibs for large adults at Home Depot this week.
REST IN PEACE Raquel Welch age 82yrs old.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Judith and John Rastl 2-23-23!
CONGRATS to Holly and the Linseman family on the birth of new baby girl Reighlynn!
KEEP FIGHTING Robert Gerard! You Got This Brother!
Heal quickly Gary Ritchie who's going through PT for a messed up shoulder.
Please keep LOCAL LEGEND Surfer Norm Murphy in your thoughts and prayers.
Please Keep local surfer Bill M. in your thoughts and prayers.
Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every week for the last 19 years.
** BUY a HIGH RES Photo
from any of the weeks on RPOTW.
my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds.
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.
Ralph |

Everybody loves seeing the old pics of surfing. Especially here in Northern New England. If you have any old pics please send them off to me via email or social media. My email is ralph@adlantic.com

This is a photo of a video frame grab from my old Super 8mm movie camera of me dropping into a pretty good sized wave at the Wall in 1987. It was just me and Kevin Grondin and Mike "Zappy" Paugh out there that day. This was back in th e days when we would take turns shooting each other. This was a pretty big day at the Wall. Photo by Gus Fatello GAF
*Click on the photo above to see a larger image

I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.
I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.
Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal.
Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.

All photos taken this week unless otherwise noted.
Friday February 24th, 2023 Photos by RALPH

(Above) The day broke with ice coating every branch and blade of grass. Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on their Somerville restaurant and all the
other AMERICAN FLATBREAD locations.

(Above) Beckley Stearns has been showing up in more of my videos
and stills these last few swells. I hope he's aware of this.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery |

The Haffenreffer family have been helping seacoast families
with their holistic health and optimal wellness for decades. |

(Above) same with this guy. Wait, that's my son Max. Nevermind. Though he is riding my board that I rode in 1979. Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) It was windy and cold, but the surf was really pretty.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Best EAST COAST Coverage on the Internet.
Click on the ad above to find out more about
more about local surf artist Stan Chew's art

Clark Little's new book
Click on the ad for more info.

(Above) This is Colby leaning into a green gem of a wave.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is Ian Dreher slipping into a fun looking left.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The SURFER'S JOURNAL is in a league all of their own.

To learn more about Evan and his journey click here https://thecurestartsnow.org/sup.../view-heroes/evan-austin/

(Above) There were some spinning barrels on both sides of the sandbar. Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery |

Click on the ad above to find out more about owner
and creator Ryan Jackson and
NH2o's cool selection
of surf related products. |

(Above) This is Colby. Impacted and slotted on a beat of a left.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is Beckley Stearns again. Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for an amazing instrumental
band playing all of your favorite Beatles songs with
the coolest
arrangements. Johnny A is one of the
best guitar players on the planet.

Peter Stokes is one of the BEST guitar techs in
all of North America. He's the BEST guitar tech
in New England.

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page |

(Above) They were makeable. Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) That's max on the Black Vinny. Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

Produced by Steve Sadler.
Visit our Facebook page

The VINNY Band was around from 1976 to 1984

July 30th, 1979 headlining the Paradise Club
In Boston, MA

(Above) From a sequence. MVF on Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Joe Carter, Brian Nevins, and Nick Lavecchia |

(Above) The Long and Winding Lefts. Friday February 24th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This Kody Grondin on one of the best waves of the day.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The art of Donna Baldassari

Hannah Vokey is one of my favorite surf artists.

(Above) This is Kody again on another equally fun looking rights.
Friday February 24th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery
Thursday February 23rd, 2023 Photos by RALPH

(Above) The snow and the pine tree. Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Visit Jimmy Dunn's website to find out where and
when he will be performing. |

(Above) Crowley Gentile's casual carve. Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) One of the cleaner waves this day. Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I love Erica's whimsical Gull art. So cool and unique.

Due to the massive fire back in August the
Hampton store is closed. We will let you all
know when SECRET SPOT is back in
operation on the seacoast.
Thank you.
Jon Gozzo and family.

(Above) Love his front foot placement. Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I only shot because it fit the criteria. Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- THE LOCAL LEGEND Johnny Magro Gallery
Photos c/o John Magro

(Above) That's Johnny surfing the Wall in 2015.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) That's Johnny 2nd from the right. The NAHANT BEACH SURF CLUB. Johnny said that one of the boys in the back are Jim Cyr.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Johnny with his Robert August semi gun at Ogunquit, ME.
Circa 1979 Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The NAHANT BEACH SURF CLUB competitor's jacket.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on this image to visit Driftwood Photography

Since 1985.

Everybody has a story to tell |

(Above) This is the board that Johnny rode in the early 60's when he was riding for SEA CRAFT SPORTING GOODS.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Johnny is mentioned in this book.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Johnny teaching his daughter how to Wind Surf.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The SEA CRAFT SPORTING GOODS SURF CLUB. Johnny on the far right said that he was 14yrs old when on this team.
Photo courtesy of John Magro
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Johnny paddling back out at the Wall for one more in 2015.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Send your SURF Pics to me directly to: ralph@adlantic.com.
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use wetransfer.com it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.
Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics. |

My friend Rick McAvoy from Maine is the creator
behind this unique Surf Company

(Above) This is a photo of me taking photos and video back on Christmas Eve December 24th, 2022. Yes it was cold this day.
Photo by Evan Nunez
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Roy Amada somewhere in Hawaii.
Photo c/o Roy Amada
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

He's more than just a good photographer

(Above) All Rise: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session. The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. Case # 715 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK. Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the outcome

This is what happens if you are found GUILTY. You become invisible.

Click on this image above to buy this book
and more cool KING'S X merchandise and music


I'm seeing more waves this week. Tuesday thru Saturday 2-28-23 to 3-4-23

I picked Wednesday as the BEST day of the week 3-1-23!


February 26th, 2023
I'm not sure if this is Colby's version of the River dance or...just a stylish way to eject. I'm guessing it's the latter.

(ABOVE) Colby stepping off. Photo by RALPH
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Click here to read Shaun Tomson's first book. |