The TEMPORARY Home at 62 Lafayette Rd in North Hampton, NH Tel. (603) 929-7467


All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.

The JANUARY SWELLS of 2024 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

This video has four distinct swells beginning with January 8th, 2024. That was the day after the snow storm.
Then we had those massive Sou'easters. The first one hit on January 10th, 2024. That one gave us two days of waves.
January 10th & 11th, 2024. Although there were ridable waves on January 14th ( the day after the second Sou'easter)
I did not shoot that day. It just didn't clean up enough for me to warrant shooting. But these three days
had some really fun surf. Then at the end of the month we got another really good swell on January 29th
and there were good waves on the 31st. And the local boys made the best of it. MVF got in his last surf
before his ACL surgery on February 1st, 2024. GODSPEED Mackey. You'll be back before you know it.
The music is by JMH, SRV, and RT.
WATCH IN 1080.

February 11th, 2024 The RUN is 14 out of 14 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were chest high waves on 2-4-24 and waist high most of the week. And there were overhead waves on February 10th, 2024.

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.


THE BEATLES 1st US CONCERT FEBRUARY 11th, 1964 at the COLISEUM in Washington, DC.

Two days after they played in front of 73 million people watching on their B&W TV's during their debut performance on the Ed Sullivan show, The BEATLES played their first US CONCERT on February 11th, 1964 at the Washington Coliseum in our nation's capitol. That week was the start of something bigger than most people could have possibly imagined. BEATLEMANIA was real and it was here to stay. And we were all caught up in it. And by we, I mean those of us who are old enough to remember it all.

If you are at all familiar with the Washington DC show, you will remember how they had to move the drum riser and their amplifiers themselves as they played on a stage with four fronts. In other words, the audience was on all four sides of the stage. And someone suggested that they move their amps and drums, to let each side of the audience see them facing them. It was insane. To think of the Beatles moving their own equipment. I mean, just 12 years later, I was playing in the VINNY Band and we had a road crew that would move our gear. The thought of the Beatles moving their own gear? During the actual show? That's crazy.

Here they are facing the left side of the audience.

So this first US concert had the makings of a legendary show. Most Beatles fans were well aware of this concert and the events that happened during the show. It's so crazy to watch this show on film. They had no monitors, so they
couldn't hear themselves singing. And whenever they turned the drum riser around they at first didn't move their amps. So they couldn't hear them. So they eventually moved the amps too.

So by now, you all know that I am a huge Beatles fan. Everyone who knows me knows this. I am still that fan today. Sixty years later. I do however want to share an incredible Beatles story with you all.

My late Step-mother-in-law JoEllen Bunton was here visiting in 2019 when Cory and I were talking about RAIN. Now if you recall, RAIN is a Beatles tribute band who does a remarkable rendition of all of the Beatles songs from every single album. And not only do they sound like them, but they also look like them. I've seen them three times and each time I was completely blown away by them. Well turns out that when JoEllen returned to Idaho after that trip, she got the chance to go see RAIN.

When we were talking about the RAIN show, I brought up how much they looked like The Beatles during their 1964 concert tour of the United States. And I specifically brought up the first US Concert show at the Coliseum. That's when JoEllen said, "I was at that concert." The room went silent. Then I blurted out. "What? You were at the DC concert?" "Yes I was there." JoEllen said. I looked over at Cory and asked "Did you know this?" To which Cory immediately answered "I had no idea." "JoEllen do you realize that concert was the very first concert in the US?" "I may have I don't know." she answered.
"You could barely hear them over all the screaming and yelling." She added.
"Oh my God JoEllen. Do you have any idea just how big this is?" I yelled.
"It wasn't that big of a deal Ralph. Like I said, you could barely hear them over the screams." She said matter of factually.

I was in shock. I mean, I had known her since 1988. Clearly she had to have known that I was a huge Beatles fan. Why was I just hearing about this now?

I kept looking over at Cory who was equally as shocked as I was.

I insisted that she tell us everything she remembered. Turns out her girlfriend's father had tickets for his daughter and her friends. A bunch of them went together and all she remembers was how loud the kids in the audience were. She had no real recollection of the Beatles moving the drums and amps around the stage. I'm sure she was not aware of what was going on.

I will say this. From that moment she told me this breaking news to the day she passed away, I never forgot it, and we talked about it, to the point where she was done talking about it. I mean she was over it. Not me though. She had not only seen the Beatles, but she had seen their first concert.

My wife and I watched the concert on YouTube hoping we would see her. We never did. But just the thought of her in that concert hall was enough for me.

Ed O'Connell was one of the most loved surf photographers in New England. A US ARMY Vietnam Veteran who saved the lives of so many ARMY Grunts in Nam in 68-69 as a Medic on board those Dust Off Hueys. He was a dear friend of mine.

When he passed on July 1st, 2014 I swore I'd keep his memory and legacy alive by giving him this weekly corner. He loved surfing and he loved taking photos of all the surfers. Not just those who could really stand out. He shot every one. As long as I shall live and breathe the salt air, there will be a corner dedicated to Ed.

ED'S CORNER February 11th, 2024

This is a pic of John Carden, Jon Gozzo, and myself at the Rocks during one of those big winter swells. Me and Carden were shooting the swell and Gozzo stopped by to say hello. Ed shot this from his legendary perch. Or as I called it, "Ed's Corner." That's right, Ed had his own spot that he shot from with his long 600mm lens. I called it Ed's Corner. Who would have known that some 6 years later he would be gone. And now, Ed's Corner has it's own place on my Blog. Where he shall remain until I am no longer here. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

COMING THIS WINTER of 2024 (March/April). My book that I have been writing the last 10 years or so. Yes, there will be a book signing. And I will let you all know in advance, where and when. The book will be available in both hard cover and soft cover on AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, INGRAM, GOOGLE BOOKS, and KOBO PUBLISHING.

I'm pretty stoked about this project. 73 years in the making. So please be patient with me and stay tuned. The book is coming. It's just taking longer than I had originally anticipated. But it's coming.

Most of my close friends have heard some of these stories first hand. But trust me, with over 100 stories, there's a handful that none of you have ever heard. It's true. Be patient my friends.
It's all coming in the winter of 2024.





This is JoEllen Bunton. She was at the Washington DC Coliseum on February 11th, 1964 to see the BEATLES first ever concert in America. Unbelievable.

They bowed after every song. They did this on the Sullivan show and on the concert tour.


This game is hard to get into as a Patriots fan. I mean 9 times we went to the Big Show. And we came home with 6 trophies. 6 out of 9 ain't bad.

This is 100% true. We didn't mind Brady and Gisele sucking face, but we get ill thinking about Swift and Kelce making out. We all suck.

THE NEW CALENDARS ARE IN. PM me on Facebook or drop me an email to: or stop by CINNAMON RAINBOWS to pick one up. I have Venmo so if you want to pay through them let me know. But HURRY I only have less than a dozen left, and I'm not going to print anymore.

Click on the image above to see the larger version.

This calendar might become a collectors item.

Twenty years of Ralph's Pic from 2004 to 2024. It was cool going through the years and picking out pics from the last 20 years. Not only are there pics of mine, but also from some of the other photographers who have submitted pics to this weekly Blog. The late Ed O'Connell, Brian Nevins, Martha Lardent, Dina Crawford, Erica Nardone and many more. *Send me an email or a Private Message to reserve a copy of this 20 year Calendar.

Finally, back on February 14th, 2011 when I was surfing everyday in Memory of Molly Rowlee, I knew it was Valentine's Day. So I drew a heart in the sand and wrote these words in the heart. At the time, it was very well received.
So here it is again after all these years later. The sentiment is still the same.
I love you baby.




Just in case any of you think that I am a Biden fan. I am not. I clearly don't hate him the way I hate Trump. I simply think he's past the prime age for him to govern with a clear head. Mistaking Macron for Mitterrand? That's alarming. The man is just too old. That's it. There's nothing else to discuss. The man is too old.

And speaking of too old.

This ASS CLOWN is in the same boat. Actually he's in his own sinking ship. But he kept confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi.
Like Biden, Trump is too old.

How did Ole Khaliddy end up at this dinner conference? Come on. How does he end up in any of this shit every week? I put him there. The Sheik has a way of being where all the hot news topics are trending. It's too bad he's such an asshole terrorist. He might have had a shot in show business. I mean look at that mug. What's there not to like?

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of FRENCH WINE at Home Depot this week.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY February 14th, 2024!
REST IN PEACE Capt Jack Casey USMC Dover, NH
FEBRUARY 19th, 2024 is the 79th Anniversary of the landing on IWO JIMA during WWII.
FEBRUARY 23rd, 2024 is the 79th anniversary of the Flag Raising on IWO JIMA!
HAPPY ANNIVERSAY Judith and John Rastl 2-23-24!

KEEP FIGHTING Robert Gerard! You Got This Brother!
Please keep LOCAL LEGEND Surfer Norm Murphy in your thoughts and prayers.

Finally, I'm calling this a special request.
LOCAL SURFER/MUSICIAN PETE KOWALSKI NEEDS A KIDNEY. A TYPE A KIDNEY. PLEASE if you know anyone with a Type A Kidney please contact me at

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 19 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf
ing Is Supposed to be Fun.



Everybody loves seeing the old pics of surfing. Especially here in Northern New England. If you have any old pics please send them off to me via email or social media. My email is

Kenny Sakurai, Rick Evans , John "JT" Taylor, and me. October 1994.

I remember this day. Jay Hammer's wedding to Monique. All the surfers were there. I love this pic because of JT. He looks so healthy here. Twenty years later, he was gone. Photo c/o Jay Hammer
*Click on the photo above to see a larger image



I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.

I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.

Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal. Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.


All photos taken this week unless otherwise noted.


Photos by by RALPH

(Above) This is Lucas Hildreth. He's not wearing a hood.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on their Somerville restaurant
and all the
other AMERICAN FLATBREAD locations.


(Above) Follow up pic of Lucas Hildreth. It felt like Spring out there.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The shorebreak. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The Haffenreffer family have been helping seacoast families
with their holistic health and optimal wellness for decades.


(Above) There's no easy way in. And no easy way out.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I took these next three photos while driving on Rt 101.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Best EAST COAST Coverage on the Internet.

Click on the ad above to find out more about
more about local surf artist Stan Chew's art

Clark Little's new book
Click on the ad for more info.

(Above) The Seabrook Observatory. Look how high the tide was.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) High Tide on Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Click on the ad above to see the NEW SURFER'S JOURNAL

To learn more about Evan and his journey click here

(Above) There were plenty of these on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to find out more about owner
and creator Ryan Jackson and NH2o's cool selection
of surf related products.

(Above) This one slipped by the crew. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is Johnny Reynolds pondering the situation.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for an amazing instrumental
band playing all of your favorite Beatles songs with
the coolest arrangements. Johnny A is one of the
best guitar players on the planet.

Peter Stokes is one of the BEST guitar techs in
all of North America. He's the BEST guitar tech
in New England.

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

(Above) Johnny Reynolds pondered just a little too long.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I'm pretty lucky. I can look over my shoulder and see the Chapel that Cory and I got married in. Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

Produced by Steve Sadler.
Visit our Facebook page

The VINNY Band was around from 1976 to 1984

July 30th, 1979 headlining the Paradise Club
In Boston, MA

(Above) The waves were fun on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Joe Carter, Brian Nevins, and Nick Lavecchia

(Above) Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This guy was dressed for both surfing and shooting.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The art of Donna Baldassari

Hannah Vokey is one of my favorite surf artists.

(Above) Brian Avantes Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The waves had some size too. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The glassy conditions lasted all day. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Visit Jimmy Dunn's website to find out where and
when he will be performing.

(Above) Beware of the exposed rocks. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) What rocks? Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I love Erica's whimsical Gull art. So cool and unique.

Due to the massive fire back in August the
Hampton store is closed. We will let you all
know when SECRET SPOT is back in
operation on the seacoast.
Thank you.
Jon Gozzo and family.

(Above) Smooth as silk bottom turns. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Three birds were approaching and the wind began to stall.
Saturday February 10th, 2024. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) The beautiful day that was Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The waves were Super fun on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Listen to QWILL on the new video at the top of this page.

(Above) This is Brian Avantes on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Featuring pics from the Last 20 Years!
Email me directly at or pick one up
at CINNAMON RAINBOWS in North Hampton, NH


(Above) Brian Avantes top turn on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is called style. Brian Avantes on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on this image to visit Driftwood Photography

Since 1985.

Everybody has a story to tell

(Above) Overhead and empty. Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Saturday drop on February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Brian Avantes dropping in on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Brian Avantes precise bottom turn on Saturday February 10th, 2024.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- SUNDAY FEBRUARY 4th, 2024
Photos by Bob Costanzo

(Above) There were waves all week long. Beginning on
Sunday February 4th, 2024. Photo by Bob Costanzo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Sunday February 4th, 2024. Photo by Bob Costanzo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Fun waves and sunny conditions.
Sunday February 4th, 2024. Photo by Bob Costanzo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I know this guy. But I forget his name. Rip Van Bodyboard?
Sunday February 4th, 2024. Photo by Bob Costanzo
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

My friend Rick McAvoy from Maine is the creator
behind this unique Surf Company


(Above) This is a cool photo of a special place that I will not name.
This was sent in by Jeff Smith. Photo c/o Jeff Smith
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This? This is a rare "White Rainbow" taken on Saturday by Lenny Nichols. Photo by Lenny Nichols
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

He's more than just a good photographer


(Above) All Rise: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session. The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. Case # 759 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK. Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the outcome


This is what happens if you are found GUILTY. You become invisible.

Click on this image above to buy this book
and more cool KING'S X merchandise and music


I see waves mid-week.

I'm picking February 14th, 2024 as the best of the week!


February 11th, 2024


(ABOVE) I saw that Tim O'Shea's birthday was this week. I have not seen Tim in years. This was taken during The MOLLY in 2010. Hope all is well with you Tim. Photo by RALPH

Click here to return to TOP of the page


Click here to read Shaun Tomson's first book.