LOCAL LEGEND August 2022 Pat Hogan 74 years young.
When I interviewed Stan Bocko and Steve Clark for their Local legends feature, they both mentioned Pat Hogan. And when I ran into Dicky Byrne earlier this summer, he too mentioned Pat Hogan. They all agreed that Pat Hogan was one of the original NH surfers. Pat told me personally that he started surfing in 1962 and that he and four others, started the Plaice Cove Surf Club. Stan Bocko vividly remembers watching Pat surfing 6’ Wall waves on an overcast winter day in 1967. He was on his Dewey Webber and doing spinners while walking to the nose and back. And this was without a leash. They had recently met through a mutual surf friend Dickie Bryne. And Stan recalled thinking “Wow, I’ll never be that good.” Pat Hogan was that good of a surfer in the 60’s. Stan said that he probably wouldn’t have ended up surfing around here if not for Pat’s hospitality. Nor would he have met his future bride Mindy Fuller..

photo by Peter Tilton
Pat was that good of a surfer, and that good of a friend.
The photo above was sent to me by Dickie Bryne. From left to right: Barry Renderer, Dickie Byrne, Greg Jardis on his knee, with Pat Hogan 2nd from the right. The photo was taken on Acorn Ave at Pat Hogan’s house. This was the PLAICE COVE Surf Club. According to Dickie, Barry Renderer was the BEST ever having just moved to NH from Santa Cruz. I remember Barry well enough to acknowledge what Dickie said. Barry passed away about 15-20 years ago. He will be included in the IN MEMORIAM Page of Surfers we have lost.
But meanwhile, back to Pat Hogan.

Stan Bocko also recalls Pat’s 1938 Pontiac Sedan with a metal fabrication of a barefoot, for his gas pedal. The PCSC (Plaice Cove Surf Club). They used to make day trips to Popham Beach Maine from 1965 to 1967. The club had matching navy blue and red shorts and jackets with PLAICE COVE SURF CLUB emblazoned across the back.

Steve Clark of Rye, writes the following: “My memories are from the late 60's when the Rye Beach Surf Club had a rivalry with the Plaice Cove Surf Club...the PCSC guy's had an old '30 something hot rod and they would cruise to Rye to antagonize the RBSC...one evening they kidnapped Jimmy Gray (aka "Gringo") from the Jenness Beach parking lot, and spirited him away to Kennedy's Restaurant which was their hangout. I don't remember how the negotiations went to get him back, but maybe Dick or Stan would...the rivalry grew from then, and we had a few intra club contests, culminating in the one in 1966 which I think I gave you a copy of the Beachcomber that had the write up with pics and Stat's of the event.

The PCSC also hung out at Eddie Connaire's house at the south end of Plaice Cove, adjacent to the parking lot...they had heavy duty parties there. There were lots of stories about driving under the influence, banging up cars, and returning to base without blue lights in the rear view mirror.
Besides Stan and John Bocko, Ed Connaire, Pat Hogan, JD Fosberg, Barry Renderer, and Dickie Bryne made up the core of the club...their hot rod was pretty cool.”

I personally met Pat Hogan for the first time in the early 70’s. I want to say that it was the summer of 1972. Exactly 50 years ago. I was out surfing the wall one day when this blonde haired regular foot went zipping by me and kicked out where I was sitting on my board. I couldn’t help but notice he had what looked like a familiar tattoo. It looked like a Marine Corps tattoo with a bulldog. Only it was distorted. I mean it was twisted and contorted.
“Is that a Marine Corps tattoo?” I asked him.
“Yup.” The blonde haired surfer answered.
“What happened to your tat? It looks totally distorted.” I replied.
“I got shot there.” He said.
“No kidding." I said. "Nam?” I asked.
“Yeah.1969.” he answered.
I just nodded my head, and smiled.
“It looks a little demented. You might want to think about getting it fixed.” I said.
“Nah, I think it looks pretty cool.” He said
And then we both laughed out loud.
“My name is Ralph. Ralph Fatello, I was a Marine in the Nam too.” I said as I paddled over to where he was sitting, and extended my hand..
He shook my hand, and said “I’m Pat Hogan, nice to meet you, and
Semper Fi.”
I looked at him and said “Semper Fi.” And that’s how I met Pat Hogan.

Years later, we both realized that not only were we Marine Nam Vets/Surfers, but, we were in the same unit. He was in Hotel Company 2nd BTN 9th Marines 3rd Mar Div. I was in Fox Company 2nd BTN 9th Marines 3rd Mar Div. Talk about an instant bond. Being a fellow surfer is one thing. But being a brother Marine who slugged it out with the NVA up in I-Corps in Vietnam was something else all together. That’s a rare bond, to find in the surf world.

Pat was wounded during OPERATION APACHE SNOW. That’s the same OP that coincided with the ARMY’s HAMBURGER HILL fight. The 9th Marines were north of that battle of Hamburger Hill (Ap Bia Mountain) and fought in and around the Da Krong River, in the Ashau Valley. Pat was seriously wounded on June 6th, 1969. Ironically, another Marine from Hampton, NH was also in that same battle. Pvt Steven Philbrick was killed in action that night by an RPG. Pat told me he saw Philbrick earlier that night, as they passed each other in a column. Steve recognized Pat, as they slipped and slid in the mud, as they walked by each other. Two Hampton boys entering the arena of what would become one nasty fight.

“Hey Pat! We’re in the shit now boy. We are in the shit.” Those were the last words Pat ever heard him say. Steve was killed by an RPG.
Pat Hogan is lucky to be alive. He was hit by an AK 47 round fired by a NVA soldier. The round went through his shoulder, entered his rib cage, and exited out his back. The war was over for 21 year old Pat Hogan. He got medevaced out by a chopper that night, and was flown back to the rear at Dong Ha, and then eventually flown to Japan. His final destination back in the world, was at the Boston Naval Hospital. He said that while he was in the hospital recuperating from his wounds, Steven Philbrick’s parents came down from Hampton to see him. They wanted to know how Steven died. Pat told me, he just looked them in the eye and said, “He was a hero. He died a hero. That’s all you need to know.”
We Marines stick together. We know that the real heroes are the ones who never came home.
photo by Peter Tilton
Pat is married to Margaret and they have daughter Tiffany. Pat is still an active commercial Lobsterman today. Hauling traps at 74, he is every bit as active as he was when he was a young surfer/marine. Hauling lobsters is not an easy job. And I pity the young lobsterman who gets too close to Pat’s traps. Like surfing, being a lobsterman can be a pretty localized endeavor. Don’t take off on the wave I’m riding on, and don’t mess with my traps sonny.
Our slogan in 2nd BTN 9th Marines was "HELL IN A HELMET." Pat’s slogan in his boat RED RUM might as well be “HELL IN A LOBSTER BOAT.”
Semper Fi Brother. I’m Glad You Made it Back.


From the Ed O'Connell galleries. I thought I remembered this day. I think there are certain parts of this photo that rings a bell. I sort of remember the hood ornament pose. And I recall seeing Ed on the beach and and actually getting to talk with him after I came in. But other than that? I have no total recall. Just bits and pieces. I guess that's what my life has become. Bits and pieces. August 2013. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.
The 14th Annual HIT THE BEACH was just held at North Beach. Initially we had set up at 18th Street, but at the last second I made the call to move the operation down to 16th Street. And it turned out to be the right call. The surf was 1/2 a foot at 18th street dumping onto the knee high mounds of seaweed. But down at 16th Street? It was a solid 3' and super clean. Not a single strand of seaweed. I called it another miracle of HIT THE BEACH.
These photos below are all from master lensman Brian Nevins.

This photo is straight out of LIFE magazine. So powerful. So dramatic. Brian has an eye for this kind of shoot. He never fails to blow our minds with his incredible body of work. That's my man Jerry above looking like he's in the middle of a massive marathon. Jerry is the man. He is the icon of HIT THE BEACH

And the man in the lower right hand corner is Stan Bocko.
This was Stan's first ever HIT THE BEACH day. In fact, earlier this month Stan attended his first ever SURFING WITH SMILES. That's back to back
special events. Once you witness and or participate in either one of these events, you have to come back. I'm betting that Stan returns to both.

This is another pic of our monthly LOCAL Legend. PAT HOGAN. This is Pat and his friend Dickie Bryne at the wedding of Stan Bocko and Mindy Fuller.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the clubs.
JIMMY DUNN at the BLUE OCEAN sounds like a great show.
The gang at CINNAMON RAINBOWS had their annual MADNESS sale, only they held it outside under tents.
Everyone in the community wants to help them out. The devastating fire that wiped out SECRET SPOT and The NORTHBEACH Bar & Grille has the local community rallying
to their aid. They will be back. And they will be stronger.

The 30th Annual SURF FAMILY ROBINSON is on schedule this week. Looks like Sunny weather and regardless of the surf, we will make it a fun day at the beach for the whole family.

See you this SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2022!
KSM Photoshop of the Week
This? Well some of the guards down at GITMO caught wind of both the SWS and HTB events back here in NH. So...they thought they'd push KSM into a couple of waves. Even though he resisted they were able to get him into a couple shore bangers. Yes it was closing out. And yes it was mean, but it's also funny to those of us who have no sympathy towards the Mastermind of 9-11. Is this cruel? It would be, to anyone else on the planet. But this guy? No.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed).
*Note to self -must pick up a case of enemas that specialize in removing of sand from your nether region at Home Depot.

Click on the ad above to schedule you Charter today!
Please keep local surfer Mike Keefe in your thoughts and prayers in the next few months during his treatments. Hang in there Mike!
Please keep local Surfer/Musician Pete Kowalski in your thoughts and prayers. SURFING HEALS ALL WOUNDS!
Please Keep local surfer Bill M. in your thoughts and prayers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pete Rizzo August 21st, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Veda Day Cropper August 23rd, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kainalu Nichols August 24th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Julia Nichols August 19th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hannah Vokey August 24th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Larry Giles August 24th, 2022!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Johnny Fatello August 25th, 2022!
REST IN PEACE Jack Kelly longtime friend and fan.
REST IN PEACE Jim Harold. 1943-2022
REST IN PEACE Robin Rowell 1953 -2022
CONGRATS TO MARKEY J Granddaughter Number 3!!
GET WELL SOON Ryan Jackson NH2O!
PLEASE keep Kim Grondin in your thoughts and prayers too
Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every week for the last 18 years.
** BUY a HIGH RES Photo
from any of the weeks on RPOTW.
my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds.
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.

Yesterday- Jay and Kurt Hammer, Barry Renderer, and Eddie Kramer at the old KENNEDY's Bar and Grille.
(Below) This is more than likely taken back in the ealy to mid 70's. It's hard to believe that Barry has been gone as long as he has. And Kurt too. We have lost a lot of surfers from this area. And we will lose more as time goes on. I need to get the IN MEMORIAM page launched soon.
Photo courtesy of Jay Hammer

I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.
I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.
Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal.
Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.
Friday August 26th, 2022. Photos by RALPH

(Above) Three of my oldest and dearest friends. Jay, Kevin, and Lenny.
HIT THE BEACH. Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Jenny, Wes, and Finn. HIT THE BEACH.
Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Sheila and Jerry Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This is my favorite day of the summer.
Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The best photographer on the coast. Hands down.
Brian Nevins with his oldest child Emma. HIT THE BEACH.
Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) American Legion POST 35. Proud supporters of
HIT THE BEACH. Friday August 26th, 2022 Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery
