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(See link below) Just make sure they're NOT huge files.
In fact if you have any questions about the size, email
me first and I'll write back.
Start shooting crackie!!
Ralph Pic Of The Week

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November 23rd 2005. The Pre Thanksgiving Turkey Tube Swell
The John Carden Gallery of that Day. ALL PHOTOS By John Carden

Perfection...New England style

Unknown Goofy Footer finds a Turkey Tube

Mike Paugh in between G-force turns

Mike Paugh G-force turn

Mike Moran, style master caresses the face

Unknown in the known zone

Squishing the Fish...who da guy?

Is this you LT? UFO Longboarder finding the sweet spot on the Day before Thanksgiving

Emptiness beckons

Nice Slice...who da guy?

Leaning into the bowl and the pack (Unknown.)

Unknown Subtle foot work for affect

Helmeted that you Stan Bocco?

My kind of graffitti....