Got good surf pics? Send em off to me directly.
(See link below) Just make sure they're NOT huge files.
In fact if you have any questions about the size, email
me first and I'll write back.
Start shooting crackie!!
Ralph Pic Of The Week

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Ralph's Painting Gallery 4/2/06

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I wanted to show you all what my studio looks like. Notice the computers in the background, That's where I do all my graphic and video work. This painting was done for my West Coast friend Jeff Chamberlain. It's called Biggies
. And this place is magical. Jeff and his friends live for this spot.
Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Grinding Barrel
I used to go by the name Vince, in fact, some still call me Vince. It's also my son's middle name.
I liked painting this was a different feel for me
. If I could only get a photo like this.
Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Dream Waves
In my mind this place exists. I'm sure it's a combination of spots that I've seen over the years. When I painted this painting it was a fantasy spot. But I know it's real enough for someone to want to go seeking it out. Do me a favor, if you find it, let me know. I'd love to spend some time there..

Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Green Peak
I liked the fact that this is a painting of a wave that has yet to heave and barrel. But any self respecting surfer will agree...this baby's gonna get hollow. The dark forboding skies added to the heaviness of this spot.

Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Drive Thru
I guess it was just a matter of time before I did a painting with this perspective. Looking through the opening.

Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

September Wave
I painted this wave after one of those fine September swells. It was quite inspiring.
Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Hard to decide which I enjoy painting more...Rights or Lefts? I guess I like them both the same.
Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Ralph's Pic Of The Week Wave
Clearly, you must recognize this wave? Look closely...where have you seen this before? Believe it or not, the actual size of this painting is 8' x 5''s hanging in my Living room.
Acrylic on Canvas by R. Fatello

Ralph's Other Studio...My Garage
Sometimes you gotta move the vehicle to make room for the art studio...this was a monster job.
It was actually two parts that we ended up bolting together. I have no idea where this bad boy is today.
rylic on Wood by R. Fatello

Back to my Griffin roots. It was fun to doodle again.
Pen and Ink with marker on Paper by R. Fatello

Mr Please-Be
I called this guy the "Worry Wart of the world. If you had any worries he would place it on his coat and
worry for you. Don't ask...
Pen and Ink on Paper by R. Fatello

To see more of my paintings go to

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