Send your SURF Pics to me directly. (See link below) Just make sure they're 800 pixels wide. PLEASE NO smaller. Need photos by each Saturday at 12 noon if possible . In fact if you have any questions about the size, email me first and I'll write back. Start shooting my brothers and sisters!
SEND PICS by clicking here- Ralph's Pic Of The Week To check out Past ( RPOTW) Go to the Archives Page
September 4, 2011-The NEW RUN is 28 out Of 28 Weeks.
Waist high or better, at least once a week. The Surf on -Monday -Tuesday-Wednesday and Friday and Saturday was easily waist to chest high.

I guess I owe the state of Vermont and the other states and businesses that got messed up pretty badly last weekend an apology. I poked fun at Hurricane IRENE last weekend. Well actually, I was poking fun at the coverage, not the storm itself.

I'm not that clueless. In fact, the last thing I said to my wife before IRENE hit up here was..."I think Vermont is going to get hammered." And well, I was right of course. Not because I'm anything of a weather forecaster, mostly because Irene's track was taking it right to them. But I had written my column on Saturday night, well in advance of the storm hitting Northern New England. In hindsight, seeing the damage in Vermont from the remnants of a Tropical Storm/hurricane was wild.

You just don't think of Vermont as being the victim of Tropical Storms.

It was all rain damage. The rivers and lakes rose too quickly, and well, the flooding was the main issue. We (on the seacoast) never got hit the way they were predicting. I mean, we had rain and wind but we've had stronger winds and precipitation with our annual Nor'easters. And I guess, my caustic remarks, were
in large part, due to the over hype of the news media, who were just echoing the potential damage we could all expect. "Could" not would.

And I admit, it's better to err in the side of caution, than to downplay it.

The Katrina affects are still out there, and the last thing anyone wants to see is another region caught off guard. And really, I was just having some fun at the ridiculous and never ending scenes of reporters standing outside in the wind and rain reporting back to us. Because let's face it. It was ridiculous.

When I heard one Weather Channel female reporter actually say to a veteran weatherman..."John we've never really quite seen anything like this have we?" I
was screaming in my chair. "What??? Are you freaking kidding me?" I was relieved when I heard the veteran weatherman say..."Well that's not true, we've had several storms that were similar to this.." And then he named a bunch of storms, from Gloria to Bob. And I stood there nodding my head. "Damn straight Johnny, you tell her...educate that fool..."

There were just too many clueless reporters predicting the end of the world scenarios. I mean come on...yes there was damage. Yes people died, and yes there were power outages, but there was nothing of the likes of what they were predicting. It was just hyped to death.

Including the surf reports. I knew of some people who were predicting the swell to be so big that they were going to" tow "into the outside bombs. Now look, I'm not complaining about the size of the surf. I was OK with the head high conditions up here. Besides, I knew there would be overhead conditions, and I do mean
overhead as in, double overhead and then some, at all the south facing beaches.
In this digital age it's easy to see where and when the surf will hit.

What was a complete surprise, that really did catch many of us off guard, was just how unbelievable freaking cold the water was up here. I mean, it was FREAKING FREEZING! I'm talking boots, gloves, 4/3's, and even some hoodies. I'm not kidding. This was totally unexpected. Water that cold from a Tropical Storm? Say what??? It was entertaining to see people jump in the water in their summer/spring suits and then leap out just as fast.

I saw one guy try to trunk it. NO WETSUIT? I shot video of him.

It was funny watching him catch his breath as the reality of the cold water hit him and his family jewels. Suffice it to say...He didn't last long. Not sure if he will ever have children, but it was funny to watch (and video tape) as it all went down.

But again, I'm not complaining. I shot some decent footage and stills in the morning, and then later in the day, I got to share a fun session with an old friend. Gary Ritchie and I shared waves for about 2 hours. Just he and I, in waist to shoulder high, with semi glassy conditions. There are moments in our lives, when we look back on certain surf sessions that stand out. Usually, it's the big days. But there are others that seem to have more meaning, and last a little longer in our subconscious. This was one of those sessions. Sharing waves with an old friend. Classic.

But this swell was not without it's share of sadness. There were two losses.

The first being from the Northern Surf crew. Rene Mallen the beloved wife of Surfer Ed Mallen passed away recently and the crew that surfed up there are still not over her loss. She was a surf photographer, who took photos of Ed and his longtime friend Mark Henschke. It's hard to understand how someone could be so full of life one day, and then be gone the next. Faith comes to play here as they try and deal with their loss. May Rene rest in peace.

The other loss happened on the day the swell arrived in NH. Kevin Grondin's
mother Virginia passed away on Monday morning, August 29, 2011. But she was very sick for a long time. A very long time. Still, losing a loved one, no matter how sick they are is still hard. I've known Kevin's mother for as long as I've known Kevin. She was a wonderful woman, and she will be missed by all who knew and loved
her. And our heartfelt condolences go out to the whole Grondin family as they mourn the loss of Virginia. She was truly, a loving, wonderful woman.

The IRENE swell had just filled in when she passed at 4:30AM on August 29th, 2011. Kevin, Leah, and Kody did the one thing, that could cleanse their souls and make them feel a little better. They went surfing. You know... "Surfing Heals All Wounds..." And I saw it first hand, work again. The salt from the ocean, that mixed with the salt of their tears, made life seem OK again. Albeit for that short time. But they all left the water that morning, feeling better.

And finally on Saturday...we all celebrated the 20th anniversary of our annual beach party that a bunch of us surfers had come up with 20 years ago. SURF FAMILY ROBINSON. Back in 1992, a group of local surf families got together, and thought it would be so much fun to gather our families and friends, and just spend the day at the beach. My family along with the Grondins, the Evans, The Goulds, and the Haffenreffers, started a tradition that is still going strong today.

Twenty years of surfing, boogie boarding, crab races, treasure hunts, and the big PIRATE FIGHT, has not lost it's magic on all the NEW young surfer families. It was
a melancholy feeling for me and my wife Cory, as we watched the new kids enjoy the magic of Surf Family Robinson, and just let their imaginations run wild. Life is short. We all know that. One day our children are young toddlers, and the next thing you know, they are off in the work world, or college, or the military, or for some, the next world. So it's important that we keep these little local traditions that we have
started, and nurture them, for the next generation.

Because as Albert Einstein once said..."Imagination is more important than Knowledge. " And who are we to argue with that statement? Not me. Einstein the math wizard said that? I love it. Because it's true. Watching all the children this weekend use their imaginations was wonderful. I love to see them light up.

It was a fun filled Summer weekend, and it looks like there's more fun (surf ) coming. So get ready, things are starting to get interesting again with Hurricane Katia.

And on a more serious note, next Sunday is the 10th anniversary of September 11th. It is hard to fathom, that 10 years have passed since that terrible day. Our world changed forever that day,. All of us who were old enough to remember, will NEVER FORGET. The irony of yet another storm off the coast has not been lost on me. I did hear some encouraging news a couple of weeks ago. Bob Hayes who was onboard Flight 11 that morning, left behind a wife, and two young sons.

Those kids were 2 years old, and 4 mos old. They never got to surf with their dad.

They have however, recently taken up surfing. When Dave Cropper told me this, I almost cried with tears of joy. For the very last time I spoke with Bob, was two months earlier on the beach. His then young son , was there throwing rocks. I had just another week to go to finish my first surf marathon, my "Catch a Wave For Gus" where I surfed everyday for a year in honor and memory of my late father who died of Diabetes. I was telling Bob how great surfing with your own kids was.

He was so stoked to hear my surf stores of surfing with my kids. I even told him about Surf Family Robinson. He was so stoked to be invited to that as well. He never got to experience Surf Family Robinson, or to share waves with his kids. Watching all the parents with their kids this weekend really hit home with me. We are so lucky and fortunate to have what we have.

I'm happy to hear that Bob's sons are now surfing. But I'm still very much aware that the threat of evil is still out there. And that there are many parents, who are far from home and their children, serving in the military, fighting the same Terrorists, who brought the world to screeching halt, 10 years ago next Sunday.

I know that those of you who remember, will never forget. I won't.

Now for some of my Weekly Global Observances:

Has anybody seen our old friend Kaddafy duck? Apparently the Loony bird is still on the run and can't be found. But that has not stopped him from making more outrageous claims and dire predictions for the rebels who have ousted him and his wacky family from power. There are reports that he is holed up in several locations. But as of today he has not surfaced. Yet he has somehow been able to leave his wacky political statements.

I know the families of PAM AM 103 that was shot down over Lockerbie would love to see him captured and brought to justice once and for all. They have all been waiting a longtime for justice. I can't imagine what it must be like. That happened so many years ago. To think that clown has been living like a king for so long, while those families have suffered is just wrong. For those who believe in a higher power, the real justice is coming for Kaddaffy and those like him. Amen to that.

There are political storms and tropical storms and they are all coming our way.

And the NFL is getting ready for the new season. I read today that the experts are picking New England I wish I didn't read that. I hate seeing these sports predictions. But I secretly feel good when I read that my team is slated to go all the way.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jaiden Ciamataro September 4th, 2011 !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nicole Chouinard September 5th, 2011 !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ryan Jackson September 8th, 2011 !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Patrick Murray September 10th, 2011!
GET WELL SOON Josh Day! We all Love you!
REST IN PEACE Virginia Grondin.

Don't forget to go back and read the whole DAILY BLOG on My CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner on this page.) Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011. A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days. Just click on the banner ads on this page.

beyond Surf Pics!
*NEW PICS added each week!

*Check out the NEW updated DROPPING IN ON
RALPH blog Section.
It's coming soon (I promise).

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 8 years. **Think about BUYING a Photo from any of the weeks
on RPOTW as a GREAT Gift Idea. A nice framed photo of your favorite Surfer!

Remember my friends...Surfing Heals All Wounds....
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


Yesterday- Steve "Surfer Crow" Watson Hurricane Gloria 1985
(Below) There was only one surfer who wore the "White" helmet. CROW. From southern Maine, Steve "SURFER CROW " Watson was, and still is today a fixture in Northern New England. A classic surfer who did it all from longboarding to shortboarding and back again. He pioneered many breaks up and around Northern New England. And yes he still wears the White Helmet. That's Crow.
Video Frame Grab from Super 8mm movie by RALPH SFOD

Click on the photo above to see the larger version.
Today- IRENE Monday, August 29th, 2011 Photos By RALPH

(Above) IRENE Not very big, but very pretty. Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown IRENE...Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Clean and almost green IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown perfect positioning. IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Kody Grondin mourning the passing of his grandmother finds solace in the
IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- IRENE Sequences August 29th, 2011 Photos By RALPH

(Above) Kevin Grondin's mother passed away 3 hours earlier. Here's Kevin practicing the mantra of "Surfing Heals All Wounds" IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Sequence.

(Above) Billy Ritchie's nose ride. IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Sequence.

Today-SCENES OF IRENE August 28-29 2011 Photos By Ed O'Connell

(Above) Good Morning IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Scenes from IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011.Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown streaking across the early morning sun. IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Jon Gozzo IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Ed has captured more of my soul arches in the last year, than any other photographer has in the last 47 years... IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011.
Photo B
y Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Gary Ritchie and I shared these waves for two hours. Just he and I ...OK
there was one other guy but he was not part of our special session.
IRENE Monday August 29th, 2011. Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

TODAY-THE LABOR DAY SWELL. September 3rd, 2011 Photos by RALPH

(Above) Matt Colby lift off. Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) M
ike Stanek backside air. Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Erica Nardone
. Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Stevie O'hara. Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Heather O'Hara fading into her first turn. It was fun watching the whole O'Hara family out surfing. There are so many surf families here in our community.
Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) It's hard to believe that we celebrated 20 years of SURF FAMILY ROBINSON.
Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Saturday September 3rd, 2011 marked the 20th anniversary of SURF FAMILY ROBINSON. Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By SOFIA
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) 20 years of fighting Pirate Jonas. SURF FAMILY ROBINSON.
Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By SOFIA
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Kieran Rowlee is next year's map runner. He started training today.
Saturday September 3rd, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.


Mike Stanek boosting an air during IRENE Monday August 29, 2011.
by John Walsh *Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Kody Grondin pulling in on IRENE Monday August 29, 2011.
by Nicole Chouinard *Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Eddie Traniello down in Massachusetts IRENE Monday August 29, 2011.
by courtesy of Eddie Trainiello *Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) HURRICANE IRENE from outer Space Monday August 29, 2011.
*Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

now the ESPN website too! Wow!

To see it on this site go to the Molly Page.



Come On Up IRENE! August 29-2011 from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

OK so IRENE was not the BIGGEST Storm or the Biggest Hurricane Surf we ever got. But you know what? It wasn't all that bad. It was head high and clean. There were some hollow moments. But more than anything? It was COLD!!!!

Oh my God was the water cold. It had to be in the mid 50's...I mean it was cold. For a Tropical Storm swell like that? Yea, it was shocking.

I chose my old band the NOR'EASTERS and our signature tune 95 on 95 as the main track. It was all recorded live by John Carden back in the 80's...we did it live. NO over-dubs. Me and my brother Johnny on lead guitars. With me singing lead vocal. "Going 95 on 95..."

The second song is by Jon Anderson and it is called "Chasing Waves..."

The clip is dedicated to the memory of Virginia Grondin.
May she rest in peace....

Hope you all like it.



Irene from SurfNH on Vimeo.

An adventure through hurricane Irene with Mike Sidebottom and Michael Emery.



(Above) All Rise: 10th Street District Court of Surf Justice is now in session, the
Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #125 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK-
IRENE BDI! CLICK and SEE this Surf crime and the verdict.
Photo by RALPH

Click above graphic for The Daily BLOG I wrote from July 26-2010 to July 26-2011
Yes you can STILL
DONATE to the Fundraiser.

(Above) Hurricane KATIA and what she brought to our shores...

(Above) Katia is coming!!!! COMING NEXT WEEK!

(Above) 10 years ago...the whole local surf story...

(Above) Our September 11th, 2011 Observance. COMING NEXT WEEK!

*Click masthead above to read the original ISM story.

(Above) Put the cursor over the images above to see happens when you DROP in on someone. You become Invisible. Simply put the mouse over the photo to see the
original photo and then marvel at the results of what happens when the criminal
invisible.*Put the cursor over the photo to see the Real image.
Photo by RALPH

Today 2011

(Above) Not sure what this guy was thinking. But I know how he ended up. 9/3/11.
Photo by RALPH

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CLICK ABOVE to read the WHOLE DAILY"Catch A Wave For Molly" BLOG. I started on July 26, 2010 and Ended July 26, 2011. I kept a daily digital blog of each and every day. There's tons of photos too! It was an amazing adventure. Click it.

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Above New Todo Bien CD

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Hear BEFORE The CRASH in the NEW RUN REDUX movie

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Cape Hatteras Wounded Warriors
Vacation Project gets underway
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