Send your SURF Pics to me directly. (See link below) Just make sure they're 800 pixels wide. PLEASE NO smaller. Need photos by each Saturday at 12 noon if possible . In fact if you have any questions about the size, email me first and I'll write back. Start shooting my brothers and sisters!
SEND PICS by clicking here- Ralph's Pic Of The Week To check out Past ( RPOTW) Go to the Archives Page
December 4th, 2011-New RUN is 41 out of 41 Weeks.
Waist high or better, at least once a week. The Surf was head high for four straight days this week.I mean it was easily Head high.

The first day of December, in the year 2011, will be a day I won't soon forget.

Though it started off as a day like any other day when the surf is good, it ended with me in the Emergency Room dealing with some serious pain. And I'm talking about serious pain. So just what the hell am I really talking about?

Let me take you through my day, shall we?

I checked the cams in the morning and saw that the surf had cleaned up from the day before and it was looking good. Chest high with bigger sets and just clean as a whistle. It was hollow enough for me to bring both boards. My long and short. I mean if it was hollow and big enough to ride the shorter board, that's what I'm doing. And when I pulled up at the Wall, it was all of that.

I was stoked. Clear blue skies, offshore wind, favorable tide, and more importantly, minimal crowds. I was on it. And I was leaving Big Black in the vehicle and riding the shorter board. By the time I paddled out to Ralph's Right's I was in a groove that only surfers know about. It was a positive cadence. My paddling felt good, my attitude was straight and positive. And when that first wave popped up on the outside sandbar and I swung and paddled everything felt good.

And when I pulled into that open barrel and came out? Well, I'd say this was going to be a good session. When you can get pitted on your first wave, it's always a good sign. Always has been, and it was today. So much in fact, that I saw a person who I thought I knew and said hello.

Turns out he was not that person. But I ended up talking to him anyway.

His name was Curtis and he had only been surfing for a few years. He told me that this day was the "101st day he had surfed." I asked him if he meant in a row? And he said "No", just that this was the 101st day he had gone surfing since he started. Not sure how he knew that. But then again, some of us keep journals. I have in the past. So while it's not common, it's certainly not that unusual to keep track of surf and surfing. Besides, what reason would he have to lie about something like that? None. So I congratulated him in his latest milestone. 101 days of surfing.

We got to talking about surfing in general. I told him about my first wave that morning and he admitted that he had yet to get barreled while surfing. He said he had gotten close, but never really gotten inside and made it back out. I told him that of all the moves in surfing, that "getting Barreled was timeless". There is nothing that compares to it. Now I'm sure some of you younger guys would disagree with me. That you might not put "getting tubed" in the highest form of surf stoked feelings. And that's cool.

I would never argue over something like that. I realize that getting tubed is not for everyone. And really, there are so many different variations of barrel riding on the planet. I mean Good Lord, it would be hard to compare the barrel I got at the wall on Thursday, to the barrel that Nathan Fletcher got at Chopes last month. Or to any given day at Pipeline for that matter. There are tubes, and then there are REAL tubes.

And honestly? I'm not about to compare anything I've ever gotten around here in tuberiding to anything on that other level of big wave barrel riding. I say this because I know my limitations. But I also know that feeling of riding a local barrel is still filled with incredible amount of surf stoke. Hell, I'll never tire of that feeling of getting shacked here in New England. Ever.

But my tube speak was enough to ignite the spark in Curtis to want him to try harder to get barreled. So for the next hour or so, I watched as he tried to find that open hole in the wave face to experience that "First Barrel". It did not happen while I was there. I hope he did get one later in the day.

While speaking with Curtis I said hello to another stranger as he paddled by. His name was Chris. Chris was a longboarder out catching a few waves before he had to head off to work. So here I am making friends with two surfers who I have never met before. They became friends with each other as well. How do I know this? I asked them both if they had known each other before today. They said no. And I was like..."Imagine that? I introduced you to each other, and now you are both surf buds..." I felt like Willy Wonka or some other absurd TV character. You know, Mr Rogers or something. Sharing the stoke. Sharing the love as it were. A Surf Bro Match maker.

I could not help but think how I have personally changed in the many years I've been doing this. I mean, there were times when I had gone surfing and never said a word to anyone while I was surfing. I would be so uptight. So protected of the breaks I was surfing that I lost sight of what surfing really is. I know a lot of you can relate to both sides of that coin. You have either been that mean spirited person, or have been on the receiving end of the bad vibes. In either case. It's not good.

But I have changed in the last handful of years. I do try and say hello to strangers.

And I'm sure there are a few of you who read this column who would agree. You would admit that I was friendly to you when we first met. To those I was an asshole to back in those dark days, I apologize. I was just trying to protect surfing from what I thought was the darkside of surfing. It was a mind set that has been around for decades and unfortunately, will always be a part of the lifestyle. From coast to coast. From ocean to ocean. The jaded mean spirited surfers will always be there. Hassling those just trying to enjoy the ocean. And while I understand why it exists, and the reason behind it, I'm also trying to make it better around here.

So I left my two new friends Curtis and Chris, and wanted to get some water shots.

I drove up the coast to a spot that I thought would be perfect for the empty wave shots. It had been a while since I shot in the water. It was July 27th. The day after my "Catch a Wave For Molly" campaign ended. That's a long time. So I figured what the hell? It's December 1st. A perfect day to shoot in the water. And it was. No one was out. The surf was about chest high and it was perfect. The best setting for empty wave images.

Now taking water photos requires a few things to make it happen.

First, you need a decent camera. Second, you need a decent wetsuit. And third, you need to know and understand the mechanics of how a wave breaks.

My younger guru surf photographer Brian Nevins has been a tremendous help for me these past five years or so. It was Brian who suggested I buy the water camera I bought. My Canon D-10 Power Shot water camera. With 12.1 megapixels the images are always sharp and clear. I've never regretted getting that camera. I used it all last year during my Molly Surf campaign. Brian's advice was solid.

He also was instrumental in giving me advice on getting the ultimate inside the wave photos that all surfers love. And let's face it, the Nevins photos of inside the wave are second to none around these parts. His simple advice was "You need to hang in there as long as possible." What he was referring to was, you need to tread water and go up the wave face and hold that camera steady as long as possible before the wave picks you up and thrashes your ass. I sort of already knew this. I mean, I had taken enough photos in my life. And I'd been in the water taking shots as well.

But Brian was successful enough in getting those perfect waves pics, so when he told me that, I held onto that advice as solid instructions from one of the best. My session was going well. I had taken a few shots and was getting good results. But I had yet to get that coveted shot. The Holy Grail pic. The inside the wave looking out photograph. I kept hearing his words in my head. "You need to hang in there as long as possible..."

Just then a set came, and I swam up to the bowl and waited.

I let the wave pick me up and I pointed the camera in the direction of where I thought the lip was going to throw over me. As I went up the wave face I felt the wave take hold of my torso and start to heave me forward. I waited and waited...and then I felt myself being thrown out and into the free air space. A place where there was no lip. There was No wave. Just me floating in open space.

Well, you know the old story. What goes up must come down. And I did come down.

I came down in about 6 inches of water. I came down hard. I came down feet first. And when I hit that hard packed sand, the impact was jolting. I went forward and slammed my shoulder into the sand. I thought I had dislocated my shoulder. I did not. But what I had done, was something far worse. It's just that I did not know this at the time. I drove my knee into the land of pain and discomfort. I had torn and ripped my ACL and my Meniscus. To make a long story even longer...

I stayed out in the water for another hour. Then I went home and took the Christmas lights out of the attic. I even put some up on the house. Then for whatever reason, I went out into the woods with just a little over and hour's worth of light left. It was not until I was deep into the swamp when I turned to place my back pack on a tree branch when I felt a sharp pain in my knee. I thought it was a cramp at first. I tried sitting down and then realized, this was not a cramp. And the pain went from bad to worse.

I was in a world of hurt. I looked at my watch. It was 4:15PM. What would normally take me about 20 minutes to get back to my vehicle, took me almost two hours. In the pitch black darkness. The walk back to my vehicle that night was something I won't ever forget. That pain. That excruciating pain was something I had never experienced before. Several times during that slow agonizing march back to my vehicle, I wanted to faint. I wanted to throw up. I was a mess. But I knew I had to keep going. I knew that if I stopped, I would be in trouble.

When I finally saw my vehicle and knew I was going to make it, I felt only slightly relieved. I knew that I had a long night ahead of me. I could not use my right leg. I had to lift myself into the Commander and drive with my left leg. My left leg!!! It was a night mare. And when my wife met me in the driveway and we had switch vehicles so she could drive me to the ER, the pain had entered a whole other level. The knee was toast. And well, you really need your knees for a whole bunch of stuff. Walking being the primary use. Followed by surfing. It's just uncomfortable to say the least.

So here it is Sunday afternoon. There was still good surf yesterday. And I really wanted to surf with my son Max. But could not. I'm sure there was still surf today. But the potential surgery, followed by months of Rehab are something I'm really not looking forward to. I mean hell who would be?

Not being able to put the lights on the house is another first for me. Watching as my wife Cory and daughter Noelle strung the lights out onto the shrubs and bushes was hard. And because she is in charge of the lights, she has refused to put lights on the house itself. I've been like Chevy Chase each year. I always do the house. It's one of my annual traditions. Ralph does the lights. I'm dad. That's my role. Instead, I had to sit there with the dog and watch. And though I complained, I knew I could not do anything about it. Tomorrow I'm heading in for my MRI's and I will know better where I stand ( no pun intended)...but one thing is for sure. My season is over.

And the worse part of all of this? I never did get that shot. The inside the wave pic?
Yea well, I never got it. I did shoot some photos that were worth posting, but the ultimate Brian Nevins pic...? That never happened.

So later that night when I looked back on the whole day. I thought about the positives. The first wave where I got barreled. The meeting of two new friends. And the few photos I did get in the water. Life is still good. Even with a torn ACL.

Speaking of good...The ASK CRACKIE SERIES is now into our 9th week. Crackie
is still very uptight about all things in surfing. This week he deals with a surfer who kept bailing his board instead of holding onto to it. Don't forget CRACKIE has his own Facebook page. If you have a question for Crackie no matter how absurd you might think it is, please email him directly.

Crackie's email: crackie@adlantic.

I know personally that he'd love to hear from you and I know he'd love to friend
you on Facebook.

Remember my friends...if things get tough, or you're feeling down. Head down to the ocean. Go for a surf...or if you're (now) like me just listen and watch the waves.

Because my mantra still holds true, especially during the holiday season.

"Surfing Heals ALL Wounds..."

Now for some of my Weekly Global Observances:

So that frying pan that got slammed into Herman Cain's head over the weekend finally knocked some sense into his noggin. His wife was the voice of reason. The Running of Herman Cain is over. Good Lord people, is that really where some of you were heading? Herman Cain? You have got to be kidding me. Same with Ron Paul. Come on people. Think about it. Think about that snowball in hell. That is the kind of odds that Herman Cain had and that Ron Paul still has. A snowball's chance in hell. Wake up people. Wake the hell up. Stop wasting time and money. If you want to run for office, make sure you have a chance.

In other words, don't come into a race where they are going to find out all kinds of shit about you that will ultimately blow up in your face. Freaking dumb ass. Herman Munster Cain.

The Patriots are playing the last place Colts as I write this. Am I worried? No... not really. Though this is the NFL and anything can happen. As my old assistant Coach used to say..."You know what the NFL stands for right? Not For Long." There is some truth to that statement. I'm guessing the Pats will beat the Colts and we will remain in first place.

The Boston Bruin's Stanley CUP was present in Hampton yesterday. The Annual Christmas Parade had the CUP on a float and it was quite a crowd pleaser. In fact, some of us got to see the cup up close and personal before the Parade started. It was pretty neat to see.

So Bobby Valentine is the NEW manager for the Red Sox. I don't know enough about Valentine to make any judgment calls. So I'll let the expert fans and sportswriters make that call. I just hope that Red Sox Nation can survive it all.

This Wednesday marks the 70th anniversary of PEARL Harbor. 70 years ago. My parents and all of the other Americans who were present during that time had their lives changed forever. I know WWII Veterans who remember that day, the way that we all remember September 11th 2001. A Day That Will Live in Infamy...I plan on pausing that day to say a little prayer for those 2,000 Americans who lost their lives that day...and the 400,000 Americans who died fighting in WWII. 70 Years ago...12-7-41...12-7-11.

Remember Pearl Harbor!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Julie Bailey December 5th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Roger Knight December 6th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Frank Grondin December 7th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael Emery December 7th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Valerie Martin December 9th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Angela Percielli December 10th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dan Hassett December 10th, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nate Lowery December 11th, 2011!

Don't forget to go back and read the whole DAILY BLOG on My CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner on this page.) Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011. A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days. Just click on the banner ads on this page.

beyond Surf Pics!
*NEW PICS added each week!

*Check out the NEW updated DROPPING IN ON
RALPH blog Section.
It's coming soon (I promise).

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 8 years. **Think about BUYING a Photo from any of the weeks
on RPOTW as a GREAT Gift Idea. A nice framed photo of your favorite Surfer!

Remember my friends...Surfing Heals All Wounds....
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


(Above) This is the NEW Movie we're trying to get out for the Holidays. It's all original music (QWILL, Todo Bien and more), and footage. Joe Carter's GITV, my own, and a few others. Plus the many stills from Ed O'Connell, Brian Nevins, my family, and more. A portion of the proceeds will go directly to
The MOLLY Fund.
Yesterday- Nova Scotia 1980-"Layback Larry" Crateau
(Below) There's really no sound reason why any surfer would suddenly just quit surfing. But that's what my friend Larry did. He just decided to quit surfing one day. And no matter what I did to try and get him to change his mind, he refused. He was over it. I still have plenty of old movie footage of him surfing. And this is one of the images from those old movie clips.
Video Frame Grab of super 8mm movie by RALPH/SFOD

Click on the photo above to see the larger version.
Today- Thursday December 1st, 2011 My Season Ending Photo Session Photos By RALPH

(Above) The first day of December. Started out beautiful for me, but ended terribly.
December 1st
, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) What's better than one barrel? How about two? The first day of December.
December 1st
, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Yes it does look like Fiji to me as well. The first day of December.
December 1st
, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) The first day of December. I love the wrapping of the bowl...
December 1st
, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) The throwing of the lip. December 1st, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The First Day of December. 12-1-2011
Photos By Ed O'Connell

I love the color and texture of this shot. December 1st, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) This extended knee pic makes me wince. December 1st, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Having fun on December 1st, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Jake Davidson hoodless and digging it. December 1st, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The New Hampshire to Cape Cod Shots, 2011
Photos By Michael Sander

(Above) The bridge at Rte 101. December 1, 2011. Photo By Michael Sander
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Cape Cod nearing the end of 2011. Photo By Michael Sander
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown on the Cape, 2011. Photo By Michael Sander
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The Second Day of December. 12-2-2011
Photos By Ed O'Connell

(Above) Still waves and still fun. December 2nd, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) This was Day 3 of decent fun surf. December 2nd, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Still a chance for an unknown to get their 15 minutes of fame.
mber 2nd, 2011. Photo By Ed O'Connell

* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) It was not this crowded earlier... December 2nd, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The Third Day of December. 12-3-2011
Photos By Brian Nevins

* Click on the photo above to see larger image.

* Click on the photo above to see larger image.

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
Photos By RALPH

(Above) Johnny Meehan. The last Day of November 30, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown below sea level. The last Day of November 30, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) The last Day of November 30, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The Hawaiian Files- November 10, 2011 Photos by The Nichols

The waves on the North Shore of Oahu are unlike any other waves anywhere.
Lenny Nichols...feeling like home. November 10, 2011. Photo By The Nichols
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Lenny Nichols. North Shore of Oahu. Photo By The Nichols
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Julia and Kai Nichols. North Shore of Oahu. Photo By The Nichols
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today- The Hector Santamaria Session- Photos by Ben Ginsberg

Hector Santamaria is a colorful and flamboyant surfer from Puerto Rico
who can boost airs all day long.
Photo By Ben Ginsberg
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Hector Santamaria also knows how to have fun out there.
Photo By Ben Ginsberg * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Buck Rowlee knows how to have fun too. Like riding a mechanical bull.
November 29, 2011. Photo By RGF
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Stan Chew sends this gem of a barrel off to all of us. This is Tiger Tails in Panama...have you booked your flight to Panama yet? What the hell are you waiting for?
Photo By
Kurley Chew * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

This is Lake Tahoe, December 1st, 2011.
Photo By
the INTERNET * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
Photos By RALPH and Ed O'Connell

(Above) Surfers and their Famil
ies meet Lord Stanley. December 3, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Thanks to Kenny Linseman, the CUP came to the beach. December 3, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Kenny Linseman brought the CUP came to the beach. December 3, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Where's that damn cup at? The CUP came to the beach. December 3, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.


This is the NEW 5 minute trailer to the NEW Surf Free Or Die -Memory Lane Movies documentary called


It's the true story of the 60 year old man who surfed 365 consecutive Days in memory of a 5 year old girl who lost her battle to cancer in 2009. He called it "Catch a Wave For Molly".

Music is by QWILL



The 9th installment of ASK CRACKIE. This week's question is from a Longboarder from New Hampshire. He asks Crackie if it's wrong for him to ditch his board when he's going for a wave and then decides he can't make it and just bails. You can only imagine what kind advice Ole Crackie has for him. Suffice it to was not pretty. Still, it's sound advice that we can all learn from.

Crackie now has his own Facebook Page. You should Friend Him...though there are
no guarantees that he'll be nice to you.

Hope you all learn something from this informative Q&A.




(Above) All Rise: 10th Street District Court of Surf Justice is now in session, the
Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #138 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK-
Shot in California CLICK and SEE this Surf crime and the verdict.
Photo by The Phantom


Click above graphic for The Daily BLOG I wrote from July 26-2010 to July 26-2011
Yes you can STILL
DONATE to the Fundraiser.

now the ESPN website too! Wow!

To see it on this site go to the Molly Page.


(Above) More INSANE Phantom pics Photo by The Phantom COMING NEXT WEEK!

(Above) Pretty sunsets and more. Phantom pics Photo by The Phantom COMING NEXT WEEK!

(Above) Major score is an understatement. Photo by The Phantom COMING NEXT WEEK!

(Above) Oh HELL Yea! INSANE Phantom pics Photo by The Phantom COMING NEXT WEEK!

*Click masthead above to read the original ISM story.

(Above) Put the cursor over the images above to see happens when you DROP in on someone. You become Invisible. Simply put the mouse over the photo to see the
original photo and then marvel at the results of what happens when the criminal
invisible.*Put the cursor over the photo to see the Real image.
Photo by The Phantom

Today 2011 "Think he's worth mounting?..."

(Above) Big game season ended today in New Hampshire. Looks like these guys filled their tags. Good for them. Photo via The Internet.

Click on Wave to return to top of page

This site designed and maintained by Adlantic copyright 2011













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CLICK ABOVE to read the WHOLE DAILY"Catch A Wave For Molly" BLOG. I started the campaign on July 26, 2010 and Ended July 26, 2011. I kept a daily digital blog, of each and every day. There's tons of photos too! It was an amazing adventure. Click it.

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad space. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

Yes...we're on Facebook.

Click here for Info on This Contel On the Ocean in Hampton, NH

Click On Image Above For larger version.

Click for New QWILL CD

Above New Todo Bien CD

GET the other Todo Bien CD

and look, I already consider anyone who reads this weekly
Blog a friend...but I know there's whole
other world out have at it...
we're on Facebook.

Hear BEFORE The CRASH in the NEW RUN REDUX movie

Click above for larger poster

Cape Hatteras Wounded Warriors
Vacation Project gets underway
Click it

Click on this image for a larger version.