Send your SURF Pics to me directly. (See link below) Just make sure they're 800 pixels wide. PLEASE NO smaller. Need photos by each Saturday at 12 noon if possible . In fact if you have any questions about the size, email me first and I'll write back. Start shooting my brothers and sisters!
SEND PICS by clicking here- Ralph's Pic Of The Week To check out Past ( RPOTW) Go to the Archives Page
December 25th, 2011-New RUN is 44 out of 44 Weeks.
Waist high or better, at least once a week. The Surf was shoulder high
on Monday and Waist high on Tuesday.

I have to admit, I was actually debating whether or not to even run the Ole column/blog this weekend. It is after all , The BIGGEST Holiday of the year. Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Festivus. Oh Festivus! What a Glorious day!

I figure if there's ever a time to take a break surely you would all agree that this weekend would be it. So, I sort of figured on a compromise of sorts. Oh don't get me wrong kids, I'm giving you some fresh images from Ben Ginsberg and the Phantom on the West Coast, and a few from my own lens that I shot on Monday. (Albeit mine are weak at best)...But they are FRESH!

However, the majority of the photos this week, are all EMPTY Waves that were shot by all the super talented Photographers this past year who make this weekly blog what it is. Wait til you see the hundreds of empty wave photos I have. You all know how much I love the empty wave.

I was thinking, if there was one thing you could give a Surfer for Christmas or Chanukah this year, what would it be? Something that does not cost a cent, but would mean so much to a surfer. Do you know what that is? Come on think...what would any surfer want from a fellow surfer? Give up?

OK I'll tell EMPTY WAVE! Give it up for the "empty wave gift."

I mean who among us would not want an empty wave? Hello? We all want one. The trouble is, who would actually give one up for a friend? Or a surfer you hardly know? Could you give someone a wave? Just turn and say..."Hey man this wave is's my gift to you..."

Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah. Happy Kwanza...whatever.

Could you actually stop yourself from going on a set wave, and let someone else have it as a gift? I know you are saying "Yea I could do that easy..." But when it actually came down to the act. Could you? It's easy for me to say I could. I can't surf until April with my knee injury. But having just completed a year's worth of surfing, I could without any hesitation turn and give someone a wave. In fact, I could give a total stranger a wave. No question.

And I have this past year. I know others who have too.

But I also know, that some of you are out there to get as many waves as you possibly can, without the slightest thought of sharing them. Look, lest you think that I am standing high on the pulpit preaching the good word here, you should know, that there was a time in my life when I was like that. Stingy. Not sharing.

I was an asshole out in the water. Trying to get as many waves as possible.

Like the world was coming to an end if I didn't fill a certain wave quota in my head. And I admit that was wrong. Dead wrong. I guess we all learn these things the older we get. Though some do not. And you know who you are.

So may I suggest that you all try giving that wave up the next time we have decent waves. And there's no need to make a big deal about it. You can be very discreet. Imagine how surprised the recipient of that wave will feel when you suddenly back off the wave, and give them the nod, or wink, that 'Go ahead...this is yours..." Imagine what could, or would happen out there.

Maybe we might start a trend. Can you imagine? Sharing waves? With friends and strangers? My God what would people think?

I know some of you are thinking I'm getting soft in my older years. And I might just be. But I was thinking, how hard things are these days, and how the simple act of giving during the Holidays gets lost on a lot of us. Especially surfers. But we are a unique tribe. And I like to think of us as being sensitive to so many emotions out there. Lets face it we are. Think about what we do. How we interact with nature that is so unlike any other sport out there.

We are so incredibly lucky to be able to do what we do. Ride waves.

So why not give a wave this Holiday Season to someone you know and respect. Why not give a wave to someone you do not know? I've got a feeling that simple act will come back to you ten fold. Give a wave. Get a wave.

Be good this Holiday season my friends. Share the love and the comfort and joy of our most unique lifestyle with your brothers and sisters.

May the absolute peace of our existence find you and your families this holiday season. And may you all have a safe, and healthy New Year.

Speaking of comfort and joy..The ASK CRACKIE SERIES has written and recorded his own version of the NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS...and it is destined to be a classic. The Holiday Spirit is running rampant with the Crackman. Don't forget CRACKIE has his own Facebook page. If you have a question for Crackie no matter how absurd you might think it is, please email him directly.

Crackie's email: crackie@adlantic.

I know personally that he'd love to hear from you and I know he'd love to friend
you on Facebook.

Remember my friends...if you find yourself feeling down this Holiday season...Head down to the ocean. Go for a surf...or if you're (now) like me, just listen and watch the waves. It is still a healing agent.

Because my mantra still holds true, especially during this holiday season.

"Surfing Heals ALL Wounds..."

Now for some of my Weekly Global Observances:

It did not escape me. The irony of me yakking about the passing of ex-Wizard of Oz munchin Karl Slover last week. And then that night. BAM! A real life wicked witch munchkin North Korea's brutal Dictator Kim Jong il passed away. I could not believe the footage of the people openly crying for this little weasel. Are you kidding me? That guy was a nut case. A bona fide looney bird. He killed thousands of his own people.

Now his young 22 year old son is stepping up to take over the kingdom that is North Korea. Supreme Ruler of North Korea...oh man. Give me a break.

Do any of you really think the world is safe? Look no further than North Korea.

The Patriots are now in FIRST PLACE in the AFC! We beat the Broncos last week and exposed Tim Tebow as being human after all. Tom Brady had a great game. And I'm sure God had fun watching that game. Now if we can just get by the Dolphins today...

l Hope you all get what you want for Christmas...Chanakuh, Kwanza, or whatever else there is to celebrate. Be good to each other. Pray for Peace on this earth.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carly Gould December 26, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wieland Anderson December 27, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Holly Linseman December 31, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grif Brunettet December 31, 2011!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brian Dewsnap January 1st, 2012!

REST IN PEACE Mark G. Libby Longtime local surfer.

Don't forget to go back and read the whole DAILY BLOG on My CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner on this page.) Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011. A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days. Just click on the banner ads on this page.

beyond Surf Pics!
*NEW PICS added each week!

*Check out the NEW updated DROPPING IN ON
RALPH blog Section. I will have March,and April up this week. I still plan on having it all up by Christmas!
It's coming soon (I promise).

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 8 years. **Think about BUYING a Photo from any of the weeks
on RPOTW as a GREAT Gift Idea. A nice framed photo of your favorite Surfer!

Remember my friends...Surfing Heals All Wounds....
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


(Above) This is the NEW Movie we're trying to get out for the Holidays. It's all original music (QWILL, Todo Bien and more), and footage. Joe Carter's GITV, my own, and a few others. Plus the many stills from Ed O'Connell, Brian Nevins, my family, and more. A portion of the proceeds will go directly to
The MOLLY Fund.
Yesterday- 21 Years Worth Of Christmas Photos!
(Below) This was my idea back when I put a photo of lil Max surfing next to me on a decent wave. I started this collage back when my daughter Gabby was just 7 months old. And each Christmas we would add the new Christmas photo of the was fun to watch it all progress to where it is today. Twenty One Christmas photos. Click on the image and see the poster blown up with the year associated with each pic. Where did the time go? Photo by RALPH

Click on the photo above to see the larger version.
Today- Monday, December 19th, 2011 Photos By RALPH

(Above) Seeing another sunset in my life is always a treat. December 19, 2011.
Photo B
y RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Unknown Goofy Foot. December 19, 2011.
Photo B
y RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) This guy had it all to himself. December 19, 2011.
Photo B
y RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) This guy had the right idea riding a longboard out there. December 19, 2011.
Photo B
y RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

It looks better than it was...(Really). December 19, 2011.

Photo B
y RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today-Friday, December 23rd, 2011 Photos By Ben Ginsberg

(Above) The wind was wailing but the waves were hollow. Santa Ana winds are
festive this time of year.
December 23, 2011.
Photo By Ben Ginsberg
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Ho Ho Ho Santa Ana winds... December 23, 2011. Photo By Ben Ginsberg
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from the Santa Ana winds... December 23, 2011.
Photo By Ben Ginsberg * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

Today-GIVE THE ULTIMATE SURFER'S GIFT. GIVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE A PERFECT WAVE...Friday, December 23rd, 2011 Photos By Ralph, Ed O'Connell, Brian Nevins, John Carden, Michael Sander, Ben Ginsberg, and many more super talented surf Photographers from the last year!

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES...shot in 2011
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES! Shot in 2011!
Photo By Brian Nevins * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES! Shot in 2011!
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES! Shot in 2011!
Photo By John Carden * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES! Shot in 2011!
Photo By Michael Sander * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Happy Holidays from RALPH's Pic's EMPTY WAVES! Shot in 2011!
Photo By Ben Ginsberg * Click on the photo above to see the Whole gallery.

(Above) Somewhere out there...
December 17, 2011.
Photo via the Internet

(Above) Somewhere WAY out there...
Photo via the Internet

(Above) Somewhere out on a cold and lo
nely hill top in Afghanistan, some young American kid is spending the holidays away from his family. He's keeping watch while we all sleep. Don't forget that this Holiday season... December 20, 2011.
Photo via the Internet

(Above) Santa stopped by an ARMY base in Afghanistan to spread some Holiday cheer. Pray for our troops this Holiday season... December 17, 2011.
Photo via the Internet

(Above) Gunny Claus. I've always supported the US MARINES Toys For Tots.
Such a great program. If you have an UNWRAPPED gift drop it off at the nearest
TOYS FOR TOTS location. Tis the season for giving my friends.

Photo via the Internet

CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

This is the second 5 minute trailer to the NEW Surf Free Or Die -Memory Lane Movies documentary called


This is the insane surf footage from December 2010. Oh yea, there was good surf last December, and this clip will prove that. The soundtrack was recorded in 1983 and it's the classic "LIL DRUMMER BOY" that I sang, played guitar and arranged and well, you should just sit back and watch and listen. The music will speak for itself.

Music is by RALPH


This is the NEW 5 minute trailer to the NEW Surf Free Or Die -Memory Lane Movies documentary called


It's the true story of the 60 year old man who surfed 365 consecutive Days in memory of a 5 year old girl who lost her battle to cancer in 2009.
He called it "Catch a Wave For Molly".

Music is by QWILL



The 11th installment of ASK CRACKIE. This week's CRACKIE Clip is from the Classic Holiday Poem "THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS"...hearing Crackie read this classic Holiday poem with his own additional words, will surely become a family classic.
Break out the Egg Nog and light a fire and sit around the Tree and watch this as Ole Crackie reads his own version of the Night Before Christmas. It is destined to become
a classic. Happy Holidays kids!

Crackie now has his own Facebook Page. You should Friend Him...though there are
no guarantees that he'll be nice to you.

Hope you all learn something from this informative Q&A.

The Autumn Sun |Part Four from Ryan Denning on Vimeo.

Check out Ryan's (ALPINE LIVE) cool viddy clip of his series the Autumn Sun



(Above) All Rise: 10th Street District Court of Surf Justice is now in session, the
Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. CASE #141 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK-
Shot in CA CLICK and SEE this Surf crime and the verdict.
Photo by The Phantom


Click above graphic for The Daily BLOG I wrote from July 26-2010 to July 26-2011
Yes you can STILL
DONATE to the Fundraiser.

now the ESPN website too! Wow!

To see it on this site go to the Molly Page.


(Above) THE YEAR IN REVIEW- Mike Moran BIG SUNDAY . Photo by RALPH

(Above) THE YEAR IN REVIEW- Mike Stanek . Photo by Ed O'Connell

(Above) The YEAR IN REVIEW! Empty Chowda Heads. Photo by RALPH

(Above) THE YEAR IN REVIEW- BIG SUNDAY . Photo by Ed O'Connell

*Click masthead above to read the original ISM story.

(Above) Put the cursor over the images above to see happens when you DROP in on someone. You become Invisible. Simply put the mouse over the photo to see the
original photo and then marvel at the results of what happens when the criminal
invisible.*Put the cursor over the photo to see the Real image.
Photo by The Phantom

Today 2011 "Santa is the MAN!"

(Above) Who knew Santa had balls? Photo via the Internet

Click on Wave to return to top of page

This site designed and maintained by Adlantic copyright 2011



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CLICK ABOVE to read the WHOLE DAILY"Catch A Wave For Molly" BLOG. I started the campaign on July 26, 2010 and Ended July 26, 2011. I kept a daily digital blog, of each and every day. There's tons of photos too! It was an amazing adventure. Click it.

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad space. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

Yes...we're on Facebook.

Click here for Info on This Contel On the Ocean in Hampton, NH

Click On Image Above For larger version.

Click for New QWILL CD

Above New Todo Bien CD

GET the other Todo Bien CD

and look, I already consider anyone who reads this weekly
Blog a friend...but I know there's whole
other world out have at it...
we're on Facebook.

Hear BEFORE The CRASH in the NEW RUN REDUX movie

Click above for larger poster

Cape Hatteras Wounded Warriors
Vacation Project gets underway
Click it

Click on this image for a larger version.

“Superior Snow Guaranteed”

“Southern NH’s largest mountain”

“Where you snowboard all day and into the night”

“New England’s Premier Family Resort”

“Get Ragged, NH Snowboarding at its Best”