Send your SURF Pics to me directly. (See link below) Just make sure they're 800 pixels wide. PLEASE NO smaller. Need photos by each Saturday at 12 noon if possible . In fact if you have any questions about the size, email me first and I'll write back. Start shooting my brothers and sisters!
SEND PICS by clicking here- Ralph's Pic Of The Week To check out Past ( RPOTW) Go to the Archives Page
April 3rd, 2011-The NEW RUN is 6 out Of 6 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.
The Surf from Friday to Saturday was clearly waist high and or better...

I've got a cramp in my foot!" I yelled out in the line-up yesterday to no one in particular. Have any of you ever had a cramp in your foot? It's really uncomfortable. Especially out in the water. They say if you get a cramp, you are supposed to stand up and walk it off. Try that in six feet of water. And believe me I tried. For a solid 10 to 15 minutes that thing just worked itself into a knot that made my foot look like a petrified pterodactyl. It hurt like hell. I tried standing on my board. I tried everything. I'd catch a wave and try and stomp on my foot as I rode it. I'm sure I must of looked like Old Walter Brennan from the Real McCoy's. (boy I'm really showing my age). Nothing worked.

I get leg cramps a lot lately. I guess when you are getting older it all comes with the territory. I get them at night all the time. I'm forever jumping out of bed, waking my wife, and walking them off. I've taken to eating lots of bananas. I guess that helps. I don't know. Surfing for 252 consecutive days can't help. Plus I take my young pup for long hikes in the woods every other day. So the cramps are there each night, waiting to attack me. I'm over trying to talk the cramp out of leaving my body. Like I'm performing some kind of Cramp Exorcism. "I demand you to leave this leg now! Be gone you Evil Satan Cramp! Leave this man alone...he's too old for this shit!"

Nothing works except the walking it off. So yesterday out in the water, I put up with the "turkey claw" foot and let it work itself out. I suppose I could of paddled in and walked it off on the beach. But then I would of missed a wave or two. And, I'm a surfer. I can't do that. Let waves get by...what a dilemma huh? Not. That's stupid.

So last week I wrote about my "Soul Arch". I was tickled pink that my friend and fellow photographer Ed O'Connell captured me doing one. Then a few days later, my new Surfers Journal showed up in the mail and I was stopped dead in my tracks. That's it over there in the right hand column. You can just barely make it out. It's a guy doing a soul arch on what appears to be the freaking Head Wall at Tuckerman's ravine. I mean, it's a cliff face. It is perhaps one of the most frightening images I have ever seen in surfing. Good Lord what is happening to surfing? These mutant beasts of waves, are being ridden by individuals during every possible swell. But this guy doing this soul arch on this wave? It's...I don't know. Scary. It's just gut wrenching madness.

The repercussions of messing up on a wave of that magnitude is beyond anything I could ever comprehend. I get it that Jet Skis are right there, and they provide the means of rescuing someone, but damn, I don't think they have a Jet Ski that can go under water and pull someone out who is drowning. Case in point. The Hawaiian who died a couple of weeks ago at Mavericks. Sion Milosky. He had friends on Jet Skis right there videotaping his last ride. You can actually hear one of the guys on the Ski say "We should go and get him." Well I guess they should have. But it was already too late.

Because Sion, was under water taking two massive waves on the head. Drowning.

And for those who say he died doing something he loved, well, I guess there's some solace in that. He did love surfing big waves. But on the other hand. I can't imagine that taking a pounding by huge, thick, cold, waves and then sucking seawater into your lungs is something anybody loves. I could be wrong. But that sounds awful. I don't think Sion's last thoughts were..."This is great! I love this..." I would hope that his last thoughts were of his wife and two daughters. And that sad realization washing over you, that it's over.

Your life is over, because of big waves. There's nothing romantic about that.

But do not get me wrong. I'm like everyone else. I enjoy watching it. I enjoy staring at photos like that TSJ cover. I enjoy groaning out loud with my friends when we watch someone get worked on a beast of a wave. So I feed right into the whole concept. I won't ever do it myself, but I'm part of the reason that the Big wave Riders risk their lives. The DVDs. The YouTube clips. The spreads in the mags. The stories. The real horror of big wave surfing. I'm part of the machine that feeds that whole scene.

I don't feel guilty when someone dies. I feel a true sense of sadness coupled with that nagging "what a waste" feeling. But I'm not gonna turn away from the next clip that comes my way. Or the next cover shot. That's something we all live with. We are all a big part of that Big Wave Frenzy. It's like the NASCAR scene. We fill the racetracks. And wait for the crashes. And the sponsors feed the drivers that go a million miles an hour so we can get our thrills. And then when the accident one turns away. We all watch it. Over and over again. It's the same with Big wave Surfing. We feed it.

Bigger and better. Higher and steeper. Hollow and's never ending.

So the April Fools Day Storm came with the typical media hype. And while it did snow in certain locations, it did not snow much here. Yes there was a few inches on the ground, and it did appear that it was going get worse. But the temps were hovering just above the freezing mark, and it basically killed any chance for any real accumulation. It turned to rain and sleet. Surfing sleet is not fun. But due to the fact that the prior four days had almost no waves. Well, you can't really call a "four inch wave" a wave now can you. No you can't. And this past week turned out to be the most difficult of this yearlong undertaking. I was hard pressed to get a wave to ride for the prescribed 9 feet.

There were days last week when I would stand in the water thigh deep, and wait for a wave. I'd stand there and wait. And wait and wait...and finally? A rogue 6 inch wave would come, and I would paddle like crazy and catch it, and try to unweight. I'd slide forward on the board and miraculously go the 9 was crazy. But I did it. I've done it every day so far. And with the good lord willing, I'll keep going until this year is up.

But that April Fools Day Storm? Well, it was a welcome sight for me. I've always said, give me a snowstorm any day of the week. At least I know there's going to be waves. And I caught a bunch the 1st and 2nd of April. Yes there was sleet in my face. Yes it was cold. But surfing in real waves around here can make anything seem tolerable.And the best part of that snow storm for me? I did not shovel a single flake. I knew it would all melt and that I'd be wasting energy using muscles that would better suit me surfing than shoveling or snow blowing. No sir I did not shovel any of that snow.

And looking outside my studio window today...well it's all gone. Just like I knew it would. Ha! But then again, so is the swell...but they are talking more waves coming this week. Bring it baby! Bring it on...Big "Cramping" Daddy is waiting...

Now for some of my Weekly Global Observances:
The bombing in Libya and K-Daffy's tanks and troops are winding down as we have turned over that duty to NATO. And while our President has insisted that NO ground troops will be deployed, I can't help but think. When have we ever had a successful War when you didn't have ground troops? We simply have not. Ever. So this dilemma of arming the Rebels and taking K-Daffy down looms closer to a disaster for the US and our Allies as this thing appears to be in a stalemate.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for K-Daffy being toppled. Though I admit, I'll miss his wacky outfits and crazy rants. He reminds me of an old Blues singer. I wonder if he sings and plays guitar? Be great to have him perform. "K-Daffy sings the Blues." Be a great name for a CD. I'd buy it. And those brown and beige outfits and those little hats? That's fashion baby. Ole K-Daffy knows how to dress up.

But seriously? This thing is not going to end anytime soon.

In other Middle East madness. The death toll in Afghanistan has reached 20 because of the Bonehead Pastor from Florida Rev Terry "Mutton Chops" Jones and his burning of the Quran. Someone should grab that idiot and burn that damn ridiculous looking facial hair off his face. Are you kidding me? This guy is a buffoon.

Look, the idiots who are killing innocent people over this are equally wrong and insane. But really? Reverend Jones you had to burn the Quran? Even though you knew it would incite riots and cause the deaths of innocent people? You know someone is going to burn a Bible this world is full of losers.

I just read somewhere that Charlie Sheen is going to go on tour with his "Torpedo Of Truth" Tour. Charlie is fading on his 15 minutes of fame. He may be Winning. But I'm over him. There's a whole bunch of Loser celebs out there waiting to take that Throne of absurdity. Move over Charlie...let someone else make a fool of themselves.

So how about that Southwest Airline nightmare? Oh man. Look that reminds me. I have a crack in my windshield. I need to get that fixed. Good Lord. That had all the fixings of that terrible Aloha Airlines tragedy back in the 80's. Remember that? That was some scary stuff. Airplanes can't fly with big holes in them.

Speaking of big holes...the lost Cobra was found hiding in a hole in the reptile room at the Bronx zoo. Whew! Wouldn't want to cause panic in New York with a lose Cobra...are you kidding me? That's a story? I guess it is. With all the crazy shit in this world I guess we all need a Walt Disney break every now and then. Speaking of Disney, my youngest daughter Noelle in hindsight thought we should of named our puppy "Pongo". Ha!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: THE RUN REDUX IS OUT! Pick one up in the shops or email me and order one directly or go to

COMING SOON on APRIL 15th, 2011 It is "RALPH's PIC OF THE WEEK" 8th Year Anniversary! We started this weekly blog on April 15th, 2004.

Happy Birthday David Robinson April 2nd.
Happy Birthday Don Rose April 2nd.
Happy Birthday to Adam Coates April 5th!
Happy Birthday Brook Gassner April 6th!
Happy Birthday to...Mike Keefe, Casey Lockwood and Duffy McCarthy April 9th!
Rest in Peace Yia-Yia the Valhouli family grandmother who passed away this week at age 90. That's a wonderful long life. She will be missed by all who knew and loved her. Especially her cooking. Rest in Peace Yia-Yia.
Congrats to my buddy Jeff Chamberlain on the birth of his grandson Cassius!
RED SOX lose two in a row. Big Papi nails two HR's though...

Don't forget to Check the DAILY BLOG on My CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click
On the Banner on this page.) Started on July 26, 2010 ENDS July 26, 2011. A Wave
a day for 365 consecutive days. Just click on the banner ads on this page.

beyond Surf Pics!
*NEW PICS added each week!

*Check out the NEW updated DROPPING IN ON
RALPH blog Section.
ALL of December, January, and February will be up soon . The DROPPING IN ON
RALPH section will be up to DATE as soon as I can find the time to do it. There's just so much a man can do in a single day. But I do want to update that page, as it is entertaining to say the least. Because
there's some great letters from you guys from all over the world. (And a few hurtful ones too). But check it out.
*This is the blog section of
this website where you can write in and comment. The only downside of this blog is, you actually have to use your REAL Name. No hiding behind some fake handle and name. If you want to comment, you have to man up, and be yourself. I will post all comments, both good and bad. You just have to be yourself.

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week
week for the last 8 years. **Think about BUYING a Photo from any of the weeks
on RPOTW as a GREAT Gift Idea. A nice framed photo of your favorite Surfer!

Remember my friends...Surfing Heals All Wounds....
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


CLICK ABOVE for DAILY "Catch A Wave For Molly" BLOG
Click YESTERDAY Banner Below to see new Old Surf Pic Page

Yesterday 1975 The Late Joe "Manse" Somogyi...Winter Surfing with me paddling out and hooting from the shoulder!
(Below) This photo came to me via an old friend who thought I might like it. Like it? I almost cried when I saw it. I had forgotten Joe's red hood and red gloves. This was a cold winter day in February of 1975. What you can't see is the board he's riding. It's the original Big Black! He loved that board. And it was all Joe when he took off on that big black surfboard. We miss you Joe every single day. Thanks Kim for sending this.
Photo by Charlie Daly

Click on the photo above to see the larger version.

Today- April 2nd, 2011 The April Fools Day Swell.
Photos By Ed O'Connell

(Above) I caught a bunch of waves. And I should of had the longboard. But there's that nagging feeling I have that I think I can still surf OK on a shorter board. Every now and then, even the blind squirrel gets a nut. Saturday April 2, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Mike Stanek was out and killing it. Saturday April 2, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Brian Taber was out too. Don't know how I missed him. Saturday April 2, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Unknown longboarder got the wave of the day. Saturday April 2, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

Today- April 2nd, 2011....The RALPH Pics...
Photos By RALPH

(Above) It was pretty that's for sure. Saturday April 2nd, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) The tide came up quick, but there were still plenty of waves.
Saturday April 2nd, 2011
Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Another Unknown at the Wall. Saturday April 2nd, 2011.
Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

Today- Friday- APRIL FOOLS DAY SWELL April 1st, 2011
Photos By Ed O'Connell

This might be Garrett...take a good look at the Gallery and find out.
April 1st,
20111. Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Markey J charging into a April Fools Day Bomb! April 1st, 20111.
Photo By
Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) This is Garrett...April 1st, 20111. Photo By Ed O'Connell
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Kevin Grondin could surf this spot in his sleep. April 1st, 20111.
Photo By
Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

(Above) Kai Nichols charging the All Fools Day Swell. April 1st, 20111.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see the Whole Gallery.

Today- Friday- APRIL FOOLS DAY SWELL April 1st, 2011

Photos By RALPH

(Above) Garrett Krapf was home for the weekend and scored some good waves.
April 1st, 2011
. Photo By RALPH * Click on the photo above to see the Whole

(Above) Nice April Fools Day view... April 1st, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole

(Above) Lenny Nichols impacted on the take-off. April 1st, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole

(Above) Empty waves. April 1st, 2011. Photo By RALPH
* Click on the photo above to see the Whole

Today- Lenny Nichols Nature's art series... March- 2011
Photos By Lenny Nichols

(Above) Lenny's black and white and full of color world. March - 2011.
Photo By
Lenny Nichols * Click on the photo above to see the Gallery.

(Above) Kai Nichols banking off the lip. March - 2011.
Photo By
Lenny Nichols * Click on the photo above to see the Gallery.

(Above) Casey Lockwood ripping off the vert lip bang. March - 2011.
Photo By
Lenny Nichols * Click on the photo above to see the Gallery.

Today- Week Of MOLLY's Waves March 27th-Apr 2nd, 2011
Photos By Ed O'Connell, Tony Ciolfi and RALPH

(Above) Ralph's "Soul Salute" for Molly on Saturday April 2nd, 2011.
Photo By Ed O'Connell * Click on the photo above to see Gallery

Click above g
raphic for Daily BLOG or to DONATE to the Fundraiser.
now the ESPN website too! Wow!

To see it on this site go to the Molly Page.


Shark Fabuleux!

The Lion will lie down with the Lamb.......
This is pretty amazing stuff...


The Dancing Ralph
Michael Sander
Ok, it's a good thing I can laugh at myself.
This is pretty funny. I feel like dancing.

 Pink Planing Hulls
Michael Sander
The Hero HD Pro in action

RUN REDUX with Ralph playing a double tracked solo version of "Watchtower" from Ralph's Pic Of The Week on Vimeo.

OK so I bought this little device called a Zoom and I recorded myself live playing my strat and singing. Then I went back and recorded over it and laid down another guitar track and vocal track...and well, came up with this sort of Reggae Funky version of a song that I've always loved. All Along The Watchtower.

The video and soundtrack are from my last movie the RUN REDUX that is available in the shops and on the site.

Hope you dig this new version of a song that has been covered by thousands of artists.



(Above) All Rise: 10th Street District Court of Surf Justice is now in session, the
Honorable Judge Ralph G. Fatello presiding. CASE #103 BLATANT DROP IN OF
THE WEEK-Self Inflicted COLD CASE. CLICK and SEE the verdict.
Photo by Jeff Chamberlain

FROM COAST TO COAST...April - 2011

(Above) From the West Coast April 2011. Yes they are still out there.
via The Internet
*Click on the photo above to see the Readers Gallery

(Above) This stuff is insane. These waves are actually overhead.
via The Internet
*Click on the photo above to see the Readers Gallery

(Above) Joe Gangi's daughter was in Morocco and took some surf pics.
Friday March 25th, 2011.
Photo by Gangi Girl...
*Click on the photo above to see the Readers Gallery

(Above) The RETURN of The PHANTOM. Another insane Boat Trip with The Phantom
and his crew April 1st, 2011. COMING NEXT WEEK! Photo by The Phantom

(Above) Off they go... The PHANTOM's Boat Trip with his crew April 1st, 2011.
COMING NEXT WEEK! Photo by The Phantom

(Above) We can't tell you where without killing you first.
COMING NEXT WEEK! Photo by The Phantom

Photo by The Phantom


*Click masthead above to read the original ISM story.

(Above) Put the cursor over the images above to see happens when you DROP in on someone. You become Invisible. Simply put the mouse over the photo to see the
original photo and then marvel at the results of what happens when the criminal
invisible.*Put the cursor over the photo to see the Real image.
Photo via the Internet

Today 2011
I've heard of walking the nose, but walking the rail?
That's a new one one even for me...

(Above) This poor guy couldn't have lasted much longer in this position. April 2nd, 2011.
Photo by Ed O'Connell






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Catch A Wave For Molly" BLOG

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Click On Image Above For larger version.

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Above New Todo Bien CD

and look, I already consider anyone who reads this weekly
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other world out have at it...
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“Southern New Hampshire’s Favorite Mountain”

“North Conway’s Family Mountain”

“Your Maine Mountain”

“Superior Snow. Guaranteed.”

Hear BEFORE The CRASH in the NEW RUN REDUX movie

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